2021 Journal Impact Metrics

The 2021 impact factors were just released, and the Semantic Web journal is at 2,214. We will compare it with the impact factors from the same journals we compared it with in previous years.

First the list of "Web" journals which we generated five years ago for comparison, together with the new, updated, impact factors.

Call for Papers: Special Issue on The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI

Call for papers: Special Issue on

The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI

Explainable AI (XAI) has been identified as a key factor for developing trustworthy AI systems. The reasons for equipping intelligent systems with explanation capabilities are not limited to user rights and acceptance. Explainability is also needed for designers and developers to enhance system robustness and enable diagnostics to prevent bias, unfairness, and discrimination, as well as to increase trust by all users in why and how decisions are made.
