Special Issue on New Models of Semantic Publishing in Science
Call for Papers
Special issue on New Models of Semantic Publishing in Science
Semantic Web journal
Scope and Topics
The scale of scientific discovery and the challenges that can now be met with scientific collaboration have increased massively with the growth and development of the Internet and the Web. Yet today, the scientific communications ecosystem still remains, despite many advances, in many ways an enhanced electronic replica of the old print-based ecosystem.
Ideally, web-based science publication should enable
- integrating information rapidly, seamlessly and automatically,
- making information readily available across disciplinary boundaries, and
- enabling reproducibility of the research reported and truly data-driven science.
The emergence of Semantic Web / Web 3.0 technologies, and the increasing availability of robust ontologies for the Semantic Web, now provide increasing opportunities to explore and enable creative new models of scientific publishing, making these goals far more attainable.
This special issue of Semantic Web Journal on New Models of Semantic Publishing in Science, invites previously unpublished manuscripts on the following topics, and on closely related themes:
- algorithmic semantic annotation and publication of original text;
- open linked data publication;
- changes to the form of publication (e.g. modular publications; “nanopublications”, “liquid publications”, “semantically-enhanced publications”, etc.);
- improved provenance models for scientific publications;
- data-driven publications;
- automated interest-based mashups of scientific information;
- executable publications;
- integrating publications with “virtual reality” models of scientific data;
- semantically-aware web communities; and
- formal models for semantic publishing.
We invite submissions from all researchers active in this field, and in related fields such as Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Linked Data, eScience and Workflow-driven tools, and Digital Libraries.
- Authors of exceptional papers from the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Publication (SePublica 2011) at the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011), will be specially invited to submit extended versions to this Special Issue.
- Manuscripts are also invited independently of the Workshop.
We hope that this Special Issue will give an additional impetus to, and serve as a means of collecting and discussing, much of the exciting research and development now underway in the field.
Contributors note: The Semantic Web Journal has an open and transparent peer-review process.
Guest Editors
Phillip Bourne, University of California at San Diego
Editor in Chief, PLoS Computational Biology
San Diego CA, USA
Tim Clark, Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School
Boston MA, USA
University of Manchester, School of Computer Science
Manchester, UK
Anita de Waard, Elsevier Laboratories
Burlington VT, USA
Alexander Garcia, University of Arkansas Medical Center
Division of Biomedical Informatics
Little Rock AR, USA.
Carole Goble, University of Manchester, School of Computer Science
Manchester, UK
Steve Pettifer, University of Manchester, School of Computer Science
Manchester, UK
David Shotton,University of Oxford, Department of Zoology,
Oxford, UK
Important Dates
Deadline for manuscript submission: 15 September, 2011 (extended!)
Notification of acceptance: 15 November, 2011
Camera-ready copies: 7 December, 2011
Issue publication: Spring 2012
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