EARTh: an Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud

Tracking #: 520-1720

Riccardo Albertoni
Monica De Martino
Sabina Di Franco
Valentina De Santis
Paolo Plini

Responsible editor: 
Pascal Hitzler

Submission type: 
Dataset Description
The paper aims at providing a description of EARTh, the Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus. It represents a general-purpose thesaurus for the environment, which has been published as a SKOS dataset in the Linked Open Data cloud. It promises to become a core tool for indexing and discovery environmental resources by refining and extending GEMET, which is considered the de facto standard when speaking of general-purpose thesaurus for the environment in Europe, besides it has been interlinked to popular LOD datasets as AGROVOC, EUROVOC, DBPEDIA and UMTHES. The paper illustrates the main characteristics of EARTh as a guide to its usage. It clarifies (i) the methodology adopted to define the EARTh content; (ii) the design and technological choices made when publishing EARTh as Linked Data; (iii) the information pertaining to its access and maintenance. Descriptions of EARTh applications and future relevance are highlighted.
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Review #1
By Natasha Noy submitted on 22/Jul/2013
Review Comment:

This revision addresses my concerns. I am particularly happy with the changes to section 4 which clearly describes usage and adoption. I have no further questions.