Review Comment:
Overall, since the first iteration the authors made a considerable effort to
improve the Webpage and also fixed presentation issues in the paper. Still,
some points need further clarification and my original concerns about
the preliminary state of the project aren't fully eliminated as of yet.
When looking at the original ids api page at
I find:
" 32343 abstracts or summaries of development research documents
8255 development organisations
28 different development themes
research on 225 countries and territories
So why do your numbers differ, i.e. where does the additional data come from?
This seems to indicate that either on the IDS page or on your page this data
is not reported in the current state, remarkably the API page reporting lower
numbers than in the paper.
Do you really keep in sync with ?
It seems, as you indicate that the wrapper works "on demand" that you
dynamically access the API. So, how does that work and how can those numbers then
differ or how can you end up in additional resources?
Also, since the API reported on the page requires
an API-key, which I assume could, at least in the future, be limited
in usage: you may want to think about providing a wrapper that
can be called with an own API-key?
The dbpedia wrapper seems to need manual curation, you mention
non-optimal precision and links added/found by hand. Do you keep
this manual curation data in your linkage cache?
How's the plan to keep this sustainably up-to-date in the future?
This is also in connection with question 1) ... Linked Datasets that become
stale do IMO more harm than good for the promostion of Linked Data.
As for known limitations, it seems that periodic crawl/dumping should
be possible to make the dataset available for querying. Otherwise,
since there is also no SPARQL endpoint, probably for the same reasons,
I see not much use of the data in RDF.
4) The examples of usage still seem preliminary and not yet
outlining a clearly defined practical use case or application, but
rather some first ideas towards that.
5) Section 6, although it has "Sustainability" in the title,
does not clraify my question fully. It is more a summary of ongoing
work and future plans. What I am missing there is a statement on how
long into the future this project is guaranteed to persist, basically,
whether and how long the URIs will be stable. While I acknowledge that
this maybe cannot be answered entirely, a frank assessment would be
enough, just to be clear on what time horizon you are operating on.
Overall, I think the project is insteresting and would accept
the paper for a *workshop* on linked datasets with bells and whistles.
As for the special issue of a journal - the editors may correct me
if I am wrong - I rather had understood the call of descriptions of established and sustainable linked datasets to enable usage and illustrate current use cases on these, whereas I still have the impression that this dataset is "in the making". I encourage the effort to continue!
Minor/editorial remarks:
p.2 footnote 2... put the footnotemark after the '.'
remark on the WebPAge:
- The webpage, doesn't render nicely in IE (maybe you want to fix that)