Review Comment:
This manuscript was submitted as 'full paper' and should be reviewed along the usual dimensions for research contributions which include (1) originality, (2) significance of the results, and (3) quality of writing.
The paper presents a Social Internet Of Things in the context of the Home and Building Automation. The approach proposes an ambient intelligence scenario where IoT sensors/actuators/devices cooperate with each others to re-adapt to an internal reconfiguration or an outside event such as an intrusion detection. The authors propose a vision where the IoT "things" interact in a human-like social network. They have the possibility to send a "friend request" or just be a "follower". In addition, the things have a "wall" where they can publish information or updates. Such information is either triggered by a change in their context, after an internal change or from their other IoT devices "friends" and/or "followers".
In this Service Oriented Architecture social IoT network, the "things" can publish their services and modifications of the supported services and environment, while other devices can listen and subscribe.
The approach relies on the semantic web standards and proposes a heterogeneous architecture where the things can have different capability and only a set of nodes can embed reasoning to match services definitions while basic things supports only limited discovery capabilities.
The approach was validated over LDP-CoAP. The evaluation was performed with a set of 8 KNX devices and the smart node was developed on three platforms, a RPI, Intel Edison, and UDoo.
There are some outstanding concerns regarding the review criteria:
1- The paper presents the idea of social internet of things which is original in the sense of augmenting the things with a social network aspect. However, the authors cite that their approach is similar to Voutyras et al but does not present the differentiating elements. Voutyras et al also proposes a social network of objects. Therefore, it is hard to assess the originality of the approach.
2- The paper presents a social internet of things, however, the aspects covered in the paper are obvious and the interesting aspects are still missing, which at least should be pointed out if it is not yet covered:
-The concepts Abduction and Contraction, are not clear, an example can help the reader better understand the approach.
-It is not clear how the friendship or follow decision will be made, on which criteria the nodes will base their decision. Can a device refuses a friend request or a follow request
-How can a device prove its identity to other potential friends? Cybersecurity risks are not covered in this work but at least the risk should be pointed out in the paper
-In the collaborative adaptivity concept, an example will help the reader understand the concept.
- An explanation about the semantic service description and the matchmaking procedure will help the reader understands better the approach.
- How to avoid flooding of other nodes with information. For example Intrusion is a high risk event and should be propagated. It is not clear how the propagation will scale?
- The evaluation was performed with a set of 8 KNX devices and the smart node was developed on three platforms, a RPI, Intel Edison, and UDoo.
I believe 8 devices is a pretty small number.
Based on these aspects, it is an interesting approach however, still in its early days.
3- As for the quality of writing, as suggested in the comments below and before, the paper is confusing. It fails to present a clear understanding of the approach where the case study and the technical details are mixed.
For these reason, I believe that the paper is not ready for publication and that authors should be allowed to improve, answer, and clarify the remaining points.
In the following, notes and remarks:
[Section 2. state of the art]
a. The authors mention the paper of Voutyras et al which proposes a social network of objects, it is not clear how their work differentiate.
b. The state of the art is missing previous work related to reasoning and semantic alignment in the SOA domain.
[Section 3. A social network for smart linked objects]
c. The concepts Abduction and Contraction, are not clear, an example can help the reader better understand the approach.
d. It is not clear how the friendship or follow decision will be made, on which criteria the nodes will base their decision. Can a device refuses a friend request or a follow request
e. How can a device prove its identity to other potential friends? Cybersecurity risks are not covered in this work but at least the risk should be pointed out in the paper
f. In the collaborative adaptivity concept, an example will help the reader understand the concept.
g. sub-section 3.2 LDP-CoAP is too technical, better to be moved to the implementation section.
h. Moving the case study or at least giving examples in the beginning will help the reader to understand how the approach is applicable in the Home automation domain instead of waiting until section 4.
[Section 4]
i. Figure 8 is 2 pages away from the reference.
j. There are formalization of ontology definition without any caption. They should be references as Listings.
k. Figures 9 and 10 are too far as well and better declare them as listings.
l. An explanation about the semantic service description and the matchmaking procedure will help the reader understands better the approach.
m. Figure 7 too technical, maybe moved to the implementation section.
n. It is not clear how the "like" feature is used and how it is updated. Seems to be used to stop information propagation.
o. Is every update on the wall shared among 'friends' and 'followers', it is not clear how the sharing of information is handled, by priority or other
p. How to avoid flooding of other nodes with information. For example Intrusion is a high risk event and should be propagated. It is not clear how the propagation will scale?
[5. Evaluation] page 14 is full of charts and a table without proper commit or description.