Review Comment:
The paper is a survey of visual transfer learning approaches that rely on knowledge graphs.
It classifies methods in this space according to four main categories: 1) knowledge graph as a reviewer, 2) knowledge graph as a trainee, 3) knowledge graph as a trainer, and 4) knowledge graph as a peer. It also presents an overview of the KGs and datasets that can be adopted in this field.
The paper is fairly written and quite relevant to the special issue. It is an interesting submission but needs more work in particularly regarding some classification choices that need to be better justified (e.g., methods based on word embedding categorized as based on knowledge graphs) and the lack of details in some sections (e.g., 2.2, 2.3., 2.5).
Another significant issue is that the paper gives no details or inclusion criteria about how the surveyed papers were selected. Did the authors use any specific query or tool to verify the completeness of the chosen set? What was the procedure used for the selection? This needs to be discussed and clarified, also for the sake of reproducibility.
In the following, I will comment on specific sections.
Section 2.2
The related work on embeddings needs to be extended in order to give a more comprehensive representation of the different methods. Currently, most of them are characterized only by a brief sentence. I also suggest to add a citation for each mentioned architecture rather than repeatedly referring to [1].
Section 2.2.2
The authors should clearly define what they mean by “semantic features”. Is everything extracted from a KG or a structured source a semantic feature? I suggest introducing some examples of semantic features and how they are used for the relevant tasks.
“Entity Embedding” and “Directed Label Graph Embeddings” seem sub-categories of KGE methods. For example, TrasE and ConvE are usually considered KGE models. The authors should either produce a strong justification about why they categorize them in a different category or reframe the section.
Section 2.3.
There are a lot of different losses for KGE in addition to the three presented here. The authors need to justify why those three are presented and possibly add some other solutions. Some examples are:
- Margin Ranking Loss: Bordes, A., Usunier, N., Garcia-Duran, A., Weston, J. and Yakhnenko, O., 2013, December. Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) (pp. 1-9).
- Limit-based Scoring Loss: Zhou, X., Zhu, Q., Liu, P. and Guo, L., 2017, November. Learning knowledge embeddings by combining limit-based scoring loss. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 1009-1018).
- Soft Margin Loss (SML): Nayyeri, M., Vahdati, S., Zhou, X., Yazdi, H.S. and Lehmann, J., 2020, May. Embedding-based recommendations on scholarly knowledge graphs. In European Semantic Web Conference (pp. 255-270). Springer, Cham.
- Full Multiclass Log Loss (FMLL): Lacroix, T., Usunier, N. and Obozinski, G., 2018, July. Canonical tensor decomposition for knowledge base completion. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 2863-2872). PMLR.
Section 2.5
This section simply lists a set of research questions, without a discussion or a explanation about how the paper intends to address them. This section needs to be rewritten, clarifying why these are important questions and how and in which sections they will be addressed. Possibly, the research questions need to be used to drive the discussion. In the current version it appears that they are just stated and then forgotten.
Section 3
I am a bit confused by the inclusion of methods based on word embeddings under categories such as “Knowledge Graph as a Trainer”. While I understand that the presence of these methods means that they could be potentially applied to KG, many of them are currently not. It may be more useful to revise the categories by clearly distinguish the set of methods that *actually* use a KG from the ones that *may be adapted* to use it in the future. If well done, this may even become a strength of the paper and suggest some interesting extensions to current methods.
Section 5. Evolving Knowledge.
Here I would briefly refer to the growing area of knowledge graph construction. In particular, I would mention KG mapping languages and information extraction methods for KG generation. Some references:
Dimou, A., Vander Sande, M., Colpaert, P., Verborgh, R., Mannens, E. and Van de Walle, R., 2014, January. RML: a generic language for integrated RDF mappings of heterogeneous data. In Ldow.
Dessì, D., Osborne, F., Recupero, D.R., Buscaldi, D. and Motta, E., 2021. Generating knowledge graphs by employing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques within the scholarly domain. Future Generation Computer Systems, 116, pp.253-264.
Kertkeidkachorn, N. and Ichise, R., 2018. An automatic knowledge graph creation framework from natural language text. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 101(1), pp.90-98.
In conclusion, it is a potentially interesting article, but the current version presents some issues that require a fair amount of work. Therefore, I suggest a Major Revisions.
Minor remarks
Section 4.1 “are built” > “were built”
Section 5 “[120] separated the field” > Add the name of the authors.