Review Comment:
Though the revised version of the paper is improved, and many of the
detailed comments have been addressed, I still think more work is
needed since the broader comments still hold. I'll try to give a
more detailed idea of my remaining concerns than I did in my
previous review.
A general comment is about the experimentation. Although I see an
improvement with respect to the previous version of the paper I
still don’t understand what about large datasets containing more
that 500 time points or time intervals? I understand that the
authors will consider it as a future work (Section conclusion) but I
would expect a more detailed discussion about this point since it is
quite relevant nowdays.
Section 1
* State clearly and explicitly what are your contributions by
enumerating them before the outline of the paper. In addition, you
should also state that this work builds on a previous work and
describe with one sentence what you presented in the previous work
and provide a reference to it. Then, you should state explicitly how
this work extends the previous work.
* “In our approach, SWRL and OWL 2 constructs (e.g., disjoint
properties) are combined, offering a sound and complete reasoning
procedure ensuring path consistency [31], an issue which is not
examined in the original work by Welty and Fikes or by other known
approaches for temporal information representation (e.g., [2], [15],
[19], [8], [13]), while CNTRO ontology [39] is not combined with a
sound and complete reasoning mechanism over interval Allen relations
(reasoning over points and timestamps is supported in CNTRO) as this
work does.” -> Rephrase this sentence since it is too confusing by
splitting it in shorter sentences.
* “Reasoning over time instants, in addition to time intervals, is
also a distinctive feature of our work. For this reason, the
temporal representation is complemented by
instant (or point) based representations as well.” -> Reasoning on
timepoints is also performed in [Van Beek & R. Cohenand 1990] and in
[Solbrig et al. 2010].
Section 2.1
* “Description logics are a fragment of First Order Logic and
resolution-based approaches (i.e., reasoning methods for first order
logic) where initially employed for the required reasoning tasks.” -> seems redundant with respect to the beginning of this section. Rephrase the sentence or remove it.
* “To guarantee decidability,the rules are restricted to DL-safe
rules [16] that apply
only on named individuals in the ontology ABox.” -> be more precise
(either ontology or ABox)
Section 2.2
* “Choosing between a point or an interval-based representation is an important issue“ -> why is an important issue? I see that
there is a reference but be more explicit such that the text is
self-explaining since there there is no problem with the space
Section 2.4
* You list at the beginning of the subsection: “Temporal Description
logics (TDLs) [2], Concrete domains[15], Quadtuples [34],
Reification [19], Temporal RDF [8], Versioning [13], named graphs
[29] and 4D-fluents [32]” -> but then you describe only four of
them. Either remove the others or explain them and explain why you
are not considering them.
There is a difference between reification and n-ary relationshinp.
Please consider the definitions given in Rula et al 2012 and provide
the difference also in the paper.
Section 3.1
* “(or the equivalent property timeSliceOf)” and “(or the equivalent
property interval)”
-> it is not clear where did you define the equivalent properties.
you cannot introduce them in this way
* “tsTimeInterval (or the equivalent property interval) connects an
instance of class TimeSlice with an instance of class TimeInterval”
-> instance of class TimeInterval? so TimeInterval in Fig 5 is an
instance of class TimeInterval? recheck the sentence
* Second paragraph need to be re-written. It is not easy to be read,
difficult to follow.
* ”By allowing for qualitative relations the expressive power of the
representation increases.” -> rephrase
* the paragraph “Our approach demonstrates...” -> in which way do you
demonstrate that your approach enhance expressivity?
Section 4.1
* where did you define DOS. I understand that the meaning is During,
Overlaps and Starts but you should explain the first time what the
acronym means.
* page 10 second column you explain the symbols while those symbols
except intersection are used previously in the paper. You should
explain them only the first time they appear in the paper
Section 5
* “All experiments where run on a PC, with Intel Core CPU at 2.4
GHz, 6 GB RAM,
and Windows 7” -> were
* “Interval representations can be used for reasoning over 100
intervals, while qualitative representation combined with HermiT reasoner (representation I1 with HermiT, not presented in Figure 10)...” -> why representation I1 is not present in the Figure? Why I4
being a qualitative representation does not behave in the same way
as I1 since your comment is about qualitative representations.
* Figure 12, the x-axes you say Number of instances. Isn’t it the
number of intervals or the number of time points? How can you put
together intervals and points in a single graph?
* “For 100 intervals corresponding time is 2.03 seconds
respectively, clearly outperforming representations of Figure 10
(see 12)” -> who is outperforming who? make this sentence clearer.
You should refer to figure 12 and not just in brackets (see 12).
* Can you finish first with time intervals and then time points?
Then the order of figures and comments should be according to the
topic. so figure 12 goes before figure 11.
* page 16, second column last paragraph need to be revised
I tried to outline more minor comments to address the quality of
writing problems but again, this can only be considered an
incomplete list: *please* proof-read the paper more carefully before
submission. I strongly encourage the authors to improve the writing
throughout. I hope this second batch of detailed comments will help
in that direction.