
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort ascending Updated
Knowledge Graphs for Enhancing Transparency in Health Data Ecosystems Accept 2,343 24/Apr/2023
NagO- an ontology on UK dependent territories, their link to the Nagoya Protocol policy framework and terminology from related domains Major Revision 2,339 16/Feb/2022
Detecting situations of importance with Stream Reasoning on live health IoT data Major Revision 2,337 26/Jan/2022
A Semantic Meta-Model for Data Integration and Exploitation in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming Accept 2,305 30/Apr/2023
Semantic Abstraction and Modelling of Heterogeneous Application Deployments Reject 2,304 26/Jan/2023
Semantic Fabric for Mapping Logistic Services using Ontology: Knowledge Inference Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,289 02/Feb/2021
Applying Association Rule with Text Mining to Analyze Customer Reviews on Social Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,283 05/Nov/2020
Knowledge graph access via SLG-resolution for coalition air missions Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,267 02/Mar/2022
ciTIzen-centric DatA pLatform (TIDAL): Sharing Distributed Personal Data in a Privacy-Preserving Manner for Health Research Accept 2,255 24/Apr/2023
Source Based Theory Driven Deception Detection Model Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,253 02/Feb/2021
CURIOCITY: A Cultural Heritage Ontology for Urban Tourism Reject (Two Strikes) 2,248 05/Jan/2022
Generation of Training Data for Named Entity Recognition of Artworks Accept 2,228 28/Jul/2022
SHAPEness: a SHACL-driven RDF Graph Editor Reject 2,224 22/Mar/2022
An Ontology Framework for Smart City Based on Cyber-Physical Systems Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,215 04/May/2021
Assembly Line for conceptual models Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,211 30/Jun/2021
Evaluating the usability of a semantic environmental health data framework: approach and study Accept 2,208 20/Oct/2022
KG-Visual: A Tool for Visualizing RDF Knowledge Graphs Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,202 22/Aug/2021
Searching for explanations of black-box classifiers in the space of queries Reject (Two Strikes) 2,194 11/Jan/2023
Cross-lingual Transfer of Abstractive Summarizer to Low-Resource Language Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,191 09/Apr/2021
Proposed WebGIS Development Framework with usability elelments prioritized. Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,185 14/Aug/2020
Legal Judgment Elements Extraction Approach with Law Article-aware Mechanism Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,167 11/Sep/2020
Experiential Observations: an Ontology Pattern-based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences Reject (Two Strikes) 2,156 08/Jul/2022
Semantic and Inference based techniques to discover Architectural barriers and Escape Routes to Disabled Persons in Building Information Models Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,153 05/Mar/2021
AgreementMakerLight Accept 2,127 19/May/2023
Terminology and Ontology Development for Semantic Annotation: A Use Case on Sepsis and Adverse Events Accept 2,121 24/Apr/2023
Identitas:Semantics-Free and Human-readable Identifiers Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,118 05/Sep/2020
An Ontological Approach for Representing Declarative Mapping Languages Accept 2,117 07/Dec/2022
Identifying, Querying, and Relating Large Heterogeneous RDF Sources Reject (Two Strikes) 2,113 19/Aug/2022
Understanding the Structure of Knowledge Graphs with ABSTAT Profiles Accept 2,105 24/Apr/2023
