
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Ontology Verbalization using Semantic-Refinement Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,205 02/Jan/2017
Process of publishing pension statistics as LOD in the Czech Republic Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,167 03/Jan/2017
Ontology for the Domain of IT Benchmarking Reject 4,710 03/Jan/2017
SPARQL Query-Based Consistent Information Retrieval on Linked Open Data based on Redundant Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,051 09/Jan/2017
Editorial -- Special Issue on Question Answering for Linked Data Accept 9,684 19/Jan/2017
BDTM: Bidirectional Data Transformation Model for RDB and RDF Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,083 24/Jan/2017
PaaSport Semantic Model: An Ontology for a Platform-as-a-Service Semantically Interoperable Marketplace Reject 5,869 26/Jan/2017
Finding Bias in Linked Open Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,001 06/Feb/2017
An ontology based approach to assessment in medical education Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,135 13/Feb/2017
A Multiple Coexisting Ultimate Agent for Effective Cloud Service Cooperation and Exploration Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,967 16/Feb/2017
Mining Social Semantics on the Social Web Accept 10,535 22/Feb/2017
On minimal intermediate results in zero-knowledge federation Reject 4,733 06/Mar/2017
C2K: Acquiring Knowledge from Categories Using Semantic Associations Major Revision 5,363 09/Mar/2017
Detecting new and arbitrary relations among Linked Data entities using pattern extraction Reject 5,015 14/Mar/2017
A Hierarchical Aggregation Framework for Efficient Multilevel Visual Exploration and Analysis Accept 10,192 15/Mar/2017
Visualizing Statistical Linked Knowledge for Decision Support Accept 16,657 15/Mar/2017
Aemoo: Linked Data exploration based on Knowledge Patterns Accept 12,616 15/Mar/2017
Exploratory querying of SPARQL endpoints in space and time Accept 12,275 15/Mar/2017
A Five-Star Rating Scheme to Assess Application Seamlessness Accept 11,137 15/Mar/2017
Access Control and the Resource Description Framework: A Survey Accept 13,053 15/Mar/2017
CEDAR: The Dutch Historical Censuses as Linked Open Data Accept 14,808 15/Mar/2017
JRC-Names: Multilingual Entity Name variants and titles as Linked Data Accept 13,429 15/Mar/2017
The debates of the European Parliament as Linked Open Data Accept 15,367 15/Mar/2017
An Infrastructure for Probabilistic Reasoning with Web Ontologies Accept 14,306 15/Mar/2017
A Session-based Ontology Alignment Approach enabling User Involvement Accept 9,800 15/Mar/2017
An Unsupervised Data-driven Method to Discover Equivalent Relations in Large Linked Datasets Accept 12,769 15/Mar/2017
On the Efficient Execution of Bounded Jaro-Winkler Distances Accept 11,338 15/Mar/2017
A content-focussed method for reengineering thesauri into semantically adequate ontologies Accept 12,310 15/Mar/2017
ClioPatria: A SWI-Prolog Infrastructure for the Semantic Web Accept 19,632 15/Mar/2017
