
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
A Closer Look at the Semantic Relationship between Datalog and Description Logics Accept 14,042 20/Sep/2013
Application of Semantic Web Concepts to Intelligent Tutoring Systems Reject 6,137 24/Sep/2013
Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Accept 13,592 03/Oct/2013
Semantic Similarity Assessment Based on Mutual Information Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,062 27/Oct/2013
YASGUI: How do we Access Linked Data? Reject 8,926 10/Nov/2013
Enhanced E-Learning through semantic web and linked data annotation Reject 4,737 11/Nov/2013
Constrained regular expressions for answering RDF-path queries modulo RDFS Reject 6,581 17/Nov/2013
Legal datasets integration: keep it simple, keep it real Reject 8,288 25/Nov/2013
Linguistic Resources Enhanced with Geospatial Information Reject and Resubmit 7,765 25/Nov/2013
A Semantic Role Repository Linking FrameNet and WordNet Reject 18,216 29/Nov/2013
Applying Linked Open Data to Green Design Reject 7,146 05/Dec/2013
A simple reasoning tool for novice users Reject 4,745 17/Dec/2013
Design and Development of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for Web 3.0 Scripting Reject 4,674 17/Jan/2014
VidOnt: the video ontology Reject 6,249 29/Jan/2014
A Web Service Selection model using Cognitive Parameters Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,302 11/Feb/2014
Ontology-based User Profile Learning from heterogeneous Web Resources in a Big Data Context Reject 15,512 15/Mar/2014
EVALUATING THE NEED OF PROV IN OWL Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,937 17/Mar/2014
Recognizing the Truth: Automatically Ranking LOD Query Results with a Cluster Heuristic Major Revision 8,445 25/Mar/2014
Observing the Web of Data through Efficient Distributed SPARQL Queries Major Revision 10,265 31/Mar/2014
Five Stars of Linked Data Vocabulary Use Accept 48,076 31/Mar/2014
Cognitively Sound Route Directions for Web Services Reject 7,642 07/Apr/2014
A Divide and Conquer Approach for Parallel Classification of OWL Ontologies Major Revision 7,894 08/Apr/2014
Supporting the Linked Data publication process with the LOD2 Statistical Workbench Major Revision 10,160 08/Apr/2014
Creativity is what we say it is: constructing an ontology of creativity Reject 18,353 11/Apr/2014
Data Access over Large Semi-Structured Databases Reject 10,840 13/Apr/2014
PA4RDF: A Persistence Annotation for RDF Data Stores Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,727 23/Apr/2014
A Review of Using Ontologies for Effective Relational Query Formulation Reject 5,287 29/Apr/2014
Module Extraction for Efficient Object Query over Ontologies with Large ABoxes Reject 7,684 04/May/2014
The Information Workbench -- A Platform for Linked Data Applications Minor Revision 8,271 06/May/2014
