
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort ascending Updated
On the Efficient Execution of Bounded Jaro-Winkler Distances Accept 11,305 15/Mar/2017
ActiveRaUL: Automatically Generated Web Interfaces for Creating RDF Data Reject 11,297 15/Jul/2014
Temporal Representation and Reasoning in OWL 2 Accept 11,285 08/Apr/2018
Effective and Efficient Semantic Table Interpretation using TableMiner+ Accept 11,272 08/Apr/2018
Editorial Accept 11,266 09/Jun/2015
Quality-Based Model For Effective and Robust Multi-User Pay-As-You-Go Ontology Matching Accept 11,239 15/Mar/2017
Flexible Query Processing for SPARQL Accept 11,192 08/Apr/2018
Tag as you like…, we can understand you! Reject 11,100 20/Dec/2011
A Five-Star Rating Scheme to Assess Application Seamlessness Accept 11,094 15/Mar/2017
Vecsigrafo: Corpus-based Word-Concept Embeddings - Bridging the Statistic-Symbolic Representational Gap in Natural Language Processing Accept 11,012 04/Jun/2019
Crowd-sourced Digital Humanities linked data contributing to library datasets: the case of the Listening Experience Database Reject 11,005 07/Jun/2020
RODI: Benchmarking Relational-to-Ontology Mapping Generation Quality Accept 10,965 13/Apr/2018
Special Issue on the Semantics of Microposts Accept 10,953 01/Jul/2014
Detecting Linked Data Quality Issues via Crowdsourcing: A DBpedia Study Accept 10,944 08/Apr/2018
Overview of the MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology Accept 10,941 15/Mar/2017
XMLSchema2ShEx: Converting XML validation to RDF validation Accept 10,938 28/Aug/2018
FrameBase: Enabling Integration of Heterogeneous Knowledge Accept 10,921 08/Apr/2018
Semantic Web Journal Volume 5 Issue 6 Accept 10,853 14/Oct/2014
Evaluation of Metadata Representations in RDF stores Accept 10,849 06/Aug/2018
Data Access over Large Semi-Structured Databases Reject 10,846 13/Apr/2014
On the Quality of Vocabularies for Linked Dataset Papers Published in the Semantic Web Journal Accept 10,838 14/Jan/2018
Name-based Approach to Build a Hub for Biodiversity LOD Reject and Resubmit 10,800 30/May/2013
A Scalable RDF Data Processing Framework based on Pig and Hadoop Reject 10,794 04/Feb/2013
Special Issue on Semantic Web Interfaces Accept 10,714 25/Feb/2015
Evaluating the Quality of the LOD Cloud: An Empirical Investigation Accept 10,664 05/Aug/2018
Semantic Web User Interfaces: A Systematic Mapping Study and Review Reject and Resubmit 10,655 17/Jan/2013
Robust Named Entity Disambiguation with Random Walks Accept 10,647 15/Mar/2017
Question Answering over Biomedical Linked Data with Grammatical Framework Accept 10,620 08/Apr/2018
A Convolutional Neural Network-based Model for Knowledge Base Completion and Its Application to Search Personalization Accept 10,554 25/Apr/2019
