
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort ascending Updated
Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED Accept 14,419 08/Apr/2018
Weather Data Publication on the LOD using SOSA/SSN Ontology Accept 14,412 13/Apr/2020
UnifiedViews: An ETL Tool for RDF Data Management Accept 14,387 23/Jan/2018
Towards a Pattern Science for the Semantic Web Accept 14,366 08/Dec/2010
Using the relation ontology Metarel for modelling Linked Data as multi-digraphs Accept 14,358 10/Jan/2013
Model-Assisted Software Development: Using a 'semantic bus' to automate steps in the software development process Accept 14,327 08/Dec/2010
Linking Earth and Climate Science: Semantic Search Supporting Investigation of Climate Change Reject and Resubmit 14,303 01/Sep/2012
An Infrastructure for Probabilistic Reasoning with Web Ontologies Accept 14,268 15/Mar/2017
Smart Objects: Challenges for Semantic Web Research Accept 14,235 08/Dec/2010
User Modeling and The Adaptive Semantic Web Accept 14,163 08/Dec/2010
The ACORN-SAT Linked Climate Dataset Accept 14,126 08/Apr/2018
Translational research combining orthologous genes and human diseases with the OGOLOD dataset Accept 14,082 31/Mar/2013
RDF2Vec: RDF Graph Embeddings and Their Applications Accept 14,064 07/Aug/2018
A Closer Look at the Semantic Relationship between Datalog and Description Logics Accept 14,053 20/Sep/2013
Increasing the Financial Transparency of European Commission Project Funding Accept 14,032 29/May/2013
lemonUby - a large, interlinked, syntactically-rich lexical resource for ontologies Accept 14,019 20/Apr/2016
EARTh: an Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud Accept 13,945 26/Aug/2013
Migrating Bibliographic Datasets to the Semantic Web: the AGRIS case Accept 13,934 20/Apr/2016
Ontology for observations and sampling features, with alignments to existing models Accept 13,914 08/Apr/2018
Distantly Supervised Web Relation Extraction for Knowledge Base Population Accept 13,890 15/Mar/2017
Linked Brazilian Amazon Rainforest Data Accept 13,870 02/May/2013
Multilingual Linked Data Accept 13,862 20/Mar/2015
Model Outlines: a Visual Language for DL Concept Descriptions Accept 13,862 29/Aug/2012
ADEL: ADaptable Entity Linking Minor Revision 13,855 07/Sep/2018
Converting neXtProt into Linked Data and nanopublications Accept 13,827 20/Apr/2016
Hybrid Reasoning on OWL RL Accept 13,753 22/Aug/2013
Sparklis: An Expressive Query Builder for SPARQL Endpoints with Guidance in Natural Language Accept 13,748 08/Apr/2018
RDF Dataset Profiling - a Survey of Features, Methods, Vocabularies and Applications Accept 13,746 09/Jul/2018
SeMFIS: A Flexible Engineering Platform for Semantic Annotations of Conceptual Models Accept 13,733 08/Apr/2018
