
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Conjunctive query answering over unrestricted OWL 2 ontologies Accept 2,178 01/Jun/2023
LOD4Culture: Easy Exploration of Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data Accept 2,333 01/Jun/2023
Deriving Semantic Validation Rules from Industrial Standards: an OPC UA Study Accept 2,159 31/May/2023
The Materials Design Ontology Accept 2,283 31/May/2023
LegalNERo: A linked corpus for named entity recognition in the Romanian legal domain Accept 2,474 31/May/2023
A Benchmark Dataset with Knowledge Graph Generation for Industry 4.0 Production Lines Accept 2,734 30/May/2023
Data journeys: explaining AI workflows through abstraction Accept 3,042 30/May/2023
ConSolid: a Federated Ecosystem for Heterogeneous Multi-Stakeholder Projects Accept 1,979 29/May/2023
Enhancing Awareness of Industrial Robots in Collaborative Manufacturing Accept 2,155 29/May/2023
A Survey of the State of Art for Multilingual Ontologies Classified Based on Application Reject 2,231 28/May/2023
Separability and Its Approximations in Ontology-based Data Management Accept 2,123 26/May/2023
MuHeQA: Zero-shot Question Answering over Multiple and Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases Accept 1,962 25/May/2023
Dynamic System Models and their Simulation in the Semantic Web Accept 2,049 24/May/2023
Reason-able Embeddings: Learning Concept Embeddings with a Transferable Neural Reasoner Accept 2,218 24/May/2023
Incremental Schema Integration for Data Wrangling via Knowledge Graphs Accept 2,747 22/May/2023
FitLayout: An RDF-Based Framework and Toolkit for Web Page Content Analysis Reject 1,864 22/May/2023
A Neuro-Symbolic System over Knowledge Graphs for Link Prediction Accept 3,177 19/May/2023
AgreementMakerLight Accept 2,930 19/May/2023
An ontology for maintenance activities and its application to data quality Accept 2,545 17/May/2023
Neural Axiom Network for Knowledge Graph Reasoning Accept 2,593 17/May/2023
MAMBO: a lightweight ontology for multiscale materials and applications Reject 1,427 10/May/2023
Dragoman: Efficiently Evaluating Declarative Mapping Languages over Frameworks for Knowledge Graph Creation Major Revision 1,946 09/May/2023
Engineering User-centered Explanations to Query Answers in Ontology-driven Socio-technical Systems Accept 2,773 08/May/2023
Data Sharing in Agricultural Supply Chains: Using semantics to enable sustainable food systems Accept 2,431 08/May/2023
Special issue on Semantic Web Meets Health Data Management - Editorial Accept 2,049 03/May/2023
A systematic mapping study on combining conceptual modeling with semantic web Major Revision 3,881 03/May/2023
Explanation Ontology: A General-Purpose, Semantic Representation for Supporting User-Centered Explanations Accept 4,814 30/Apr/2023
Reuse of the FoodOn Ontology in a Knowledge Base of Food Composition Data Accept 2,248 30/Apr/2023
Interpretable Ontology Extension in Chemistry Accept 2,572 30/Apr/2023
