
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
A semantic framework for modelling and managing reusable and optimized cultural experiences, towards a shared MR cultural experience ecosystem Reject 3,596 24/Feb/2020
Web services mining: healthcare case study Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,598 12/Dec/2018
Coordinating Coronavirus Research with IDO-COVID-19 Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,614 16/Nov/2020
SWApriori: A New Approach to Mining Association Rules from Semantic Web Data Directly Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,616 12/Apr/2018
A Novel Database Structure for Domains and Sub-Domains in URL Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,625 09/Mar/2018
RDF Device Description Generator (RDDG) Reject 3,625 29/Nov/2019
How much Knowledge is in Knowledge Graphs? - A Knowledge Management Perspective Major Revision 3,631 16/Jun/2021
Characteristic Sets Profile Features: Estimation and Application to SPARQL Query Planning Accept 3,634 10/Aug/2022
iLOD: Preserving the Linked Open DataCloud through the Interplanetary File System Reject 3,644 13/Aug/2021
Which Template Extractor Should I Use? Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,648 26/Nov/2017
Semanticizing Sociability: Documenting Relationships in the context of Cultural Heritage Major Revision 3,651 15/Feb/2022
Optimizing Storage of RDF Archives using Bidirectional Delta Chains Accept 3,652 28/Sep/2021
Foundational Patterns Benchmark Reject (Two Strikes) 3,653 16/Nov/2020
Serverless Semantic e-Science Framework (SSe-SF) Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,659 06/Oct/2018
A systematic mapping study on combining conceptual modeling with semantic web Major Revision 3,664 03/May/2023
RomanOpenData: An Application of Semantic Technologies to Roman Amphora Epigraphy Reject 3,675 24/Jul/2020
A Biaswalk Based RDF Entity Embeddings Reject 3,695 12/Aug/2020
Parameters to assess website quality and comparative study of website analysis tools. Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,700 14/Sep/2017
IoT Cloud and Mobile Agent Technology for Real Time Traffic Management Data Collection, Storage and Retrieval Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,712 09/Jul/2017
Paving the Way for Enriched Metadata of Linguistic Linked Data Accept 3,717 10/Aug/2022
A Preferential DL Approach to Model the Non bis in idem Principle for the Legal Domain Major Revision 3,718 14/Aug/2020
Graph4Code: A Machine Interpretable Knowledge Graph for Code Reject 3,722 30/Nov/2020
Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graph by Deep Neural Network Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,725 03/Apr/2018
Application Domains of Aspect and Sentiment Classification Techniques: A Critical Evaluation Survey Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,729 19/Dec/2018
Star Pattern Fragments: Accessing Knowledge Graphs through Star Patterns Reject (Two Strikes) 3,735 25/Aug/2021
Semantics and Canonicalisation of SPARQL 1.1 Accept 3,741 26/Dec/2021
Towards a Semantic Modelling of Profiling Data in Industry 4.0 Reject 3,748 02/Dec/2019
Continuous Multi-Query Optimization for Subgraph Matching over Dynamic Graphs Accept 3,751 26/Dec/2021
CAFE: Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs using Neighborhood-Aware Features Reject 3,752 24/Jul/2020
