
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
Automated evaluation of the ISO reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,992 17/Jan/2018
Optimizing Tableau Reasoning: a Prolog-based Framework Reject (Two Strikes) 3,994 03/Aug/2020
Deriving semantic relations between Arabic compound terms Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,994 31/Oct/2016
Social Content Mining in Social Networks Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,995 15/Nov/2017
Paving the Way for Enriched Metadata of Linguistic Linked Data Accept 4,000 10/Aug/2022
An Ontology for Ethical AI Principles Reject 4,001 10/Aug/2021
Building and Mining Knowledge Graphs for Newsroom Systems Reject 4,007 07/Aug/2019
Finding Bias in Linked Open Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,009 06/Feb/2017
Smart and Incremental Model to Build Clustered Trending Topics of Web Documents Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,017 25/Feb/2018
A Topic Ontology for Modeling Topics of Old Press Articles Reject 4,019 23/Jul/2020
Trust-based retrieval of artwork attributions in digital libraries Reject 4,021 20/Feb/2020
Ontology Development Life Cycle: A Review Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,023 09/Mar/2018
A Neural Network-based approach for Unsupervised Learning of Link Specifications Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,026 28/Sep/2017
One-shot HDT-based Semantic Labeling of Entity Columns in Tabular Data Reject 4,026 22/Sep/2020
Semantics and Canonicalisation of SPARQL 1.1 Accept 4,028 26/Dec/2021
Application of Semantic Web Technology to regulations Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,033 26/Nov/2017
Automatizing experiment reproducibility using semantic models and container virtualization Reject (Two Strikes) 4,034 27/Sep/2019
Continuous Multi-Query Optimization for Subgraph Matching over Dynamic Graphs Accept 4,034 26/Dec/2021
Converting Persian Query to SPARQL Instructions in Linked Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,037 21/Dec/2016
A Model for Content Enrichment of Institutional Repositories Using Linked Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,038 19/Aug/2016
Transforming generic XML schemas into HTML5 forms Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,042 09/May/2017
Ontology Alignment Revisited: A Bibliometric Narrative Reject 4,043 11/Mar/2020
The Numerate Web: Mathematical Formulas and Computations on the Web of Data Major Revision 4,056 17/Dec/2023
SPARQL Query-Based Consistent Information Retrieval on Linked Open Data based on Redundant Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,058 09/Jan/2017
SCALEUS: Semantic Web Services Integration for Biomedical Applications Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,061 27/Sep/2016
An interoperable system towards cardiac risk stratification from ECG monitoring Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,062 21/Dec/2016
Marifa: Turning Publishers Catalogs’ Data into Linked Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,067 16/Aug/2016
Automatic Ontology Construction from Qur'anic Relationships Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,071 24/Oct/2016
Question Answering with Deep Neural Networks for Semi-Structured Heterogeneous Genealogical Knowledge Graphs Accept 4,072 26/Jun/2022
