
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
ALIGATOR: A LINKed data naviGATOR Framework Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,715 01/Apr/2015
Validating and Describing Linked Data Portals using Shapes Reject 4,715 21/Nov/2016
Towards an Open Standards-based Architecture for Condition-based Predictive Maintenance and IIoT Reject 4,735 07/Apr/2019
PA4RDF: A Persistence Annotation for RDF Data Stores Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,740 23/Apr/2014
RML Mapper: a tool for uniform Linked Data generation from heterogeneous data Reject 4,742 07/Feb/2018
Ontology Verbalization using Semantic-Refinement Reject 4,748 27/Feb/2019
Enhanced E-Learning through semantic web and linked data annotation Reject 4,748 11/Nov/2013
Creating dashboards and data stories within the Data & Analytics Framework (DAF) Reject 4,751 02/Jul/2019
A simple reasoning tool for novice users Reject 4,758 17/Dec/2013
Towards a semantic edge processing of sensor data in a smart factory Reject 4,759 11/Jan/2020
Identifying Global Common Concepts of DBpedia Ontology to Enhance Multilingual Ontologized Space Expansion Reject 4,762 25/Jul/2016
A Web Interface to a Probabilistic OWL Reasoner Reject 4,774 14/Dec/2015
Perspectives in Knowledge Formalization for Scientific Collaborative Research: the case of Plastic pollution in the sea Reject 4,779 30/Aug/2018
Advancing Agriculture through Semantic Data Management Accept 4,780 06/Jun/2021
Reproducible Query Performance Assessment of Scalable RDF Storage Solutions Reject (Two Strikes) 4,788 26/May/2018
Knowledge Extraction from source code based on Hidden Markov Models Reject 4,793 07/Jul/2019
Thematic Linked Data Matching: an Approach based on Geographic Reference Data Reject 4,800 11/Mar/2016
An adaptive multi-agent system for ontology co-evolution [EKAW] reject 4,801 02/Nov/2014
OWL/XML Rendered Ontology for Inference Support to E-Governance Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,802 20/Dec/2012
Robust Query Processing for Linked Data Fragments Accept 4,804 27/Dec/2021
Enriching concepts in domain ontologies using context-aware and semantic similarity [EKAW] reject 4,819 30/May/2015
Beyond Facts - a Survey and Conceptualisation of Claims in Online Discourse Analysis Accept 4,822 26/Dec/2021
Operations on RDF(S) Ontologies: A Category Theoretic Approach Reject 4,825 28/Jul/2016
A Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Events Extraction out of Arabic Tweets Reject 4,835 10/Jul/2017
Characterizing Web of Things Interactions with Existential Reasoning Reject 4,835 07/Apr/2019
A Performance Study of RDF Stores for Linked Sensor Data Major Revision 4,839 04/Nov/2019
IoT-O: a core domain ontology for IoT Reject 4,844 14/Jun/2016
LOPDF: A Framework for Extracting and Producing Linked Open Data of Scientific Documents Reject 4,846 20/Nov/2017
TermPicker: Enabling the Reuse of Vocabulary Terms by Exploiting Data from the Linked Open Data Cloud Reject 4,847 14/Dec/2015
