Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Tweets Using Semantic Resources |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
4,340 |
23/Mar/2016 |
A Framework for Real-Time Semantic Social Media Analysis |
Major Revision |
6,338 |
01/Apr/2016 |
Semantic answer graphs for keyword queries on RDF/RDFS graphs |
Reject |
5,573 |
06/Apr/2016 |
Core Techniques of Ontology-Based Question Answering Systems: a Survey |
Reject |
4,883 |
06/Apr/2016 |
A Foundation Ontology for Global City Indicators |
Reject |
6,441 |
15/Apr/2016 |
C-SWRL: SWRL for Continuous Reasoning over Stream Data |
Reject |
4,717 |
18/Apr/2016 |
Defeasibility in Answer Set Programs with Defaults and Argumentation Rules |
Accept |
15,150 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Resource-Constrained Reasoning Using a Reasoner Composition Approach |
Accept |
13,296 |
20/Apr/2016 |
A Dialogue with Linked Data: Voice-based Access to Market Data in the Sahel |
Accept |
11,695 |
20/Apr/2016 |
The Humanitarian eXchange Language: Coordinating Disaster Response with Semantic Web Technologies |
Accept |
11,544 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Solving Guesstimation Problems Using the Semantic Web: Four Lessons from an Application |
Accept |
11,924 |
20/Apr/2016 |
DBpedia - A Large-scale, Multilingual Knowledge Base Extracted from Wikipedia |
Accept |
107,789 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Public spending as LOD: the case of Greece |
Accept |
14,713 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Converting neXtProt into Linked Data and nanopublications |
Accept |
13,883 |
20/Apr/2016 |
eagle-i: biomedical research resource datasets |
Accept |
13,574 |
20/Apr/2016 |
The RÉPENER Linked Dataset |
Accept |
15,565 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Geospatial Dataset Curation through a Location-based Game |
Accept |
15,052 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Migrating Bibliographic Datasets to the Semantic Web: the AGRIS case |
Accept |
13,984 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Linked SDMX Data |
Accept |
34,350 |
20/Apr/2016 |
WYSIWYM -- Integrated Visualization, Exploration and Authoring of Semantically Enriched Un-structured Content |
Accept |
13,732 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Collaborative multilingual knowledge management based on controlled natural language |
Accept |
19,664 |
20/Apr/2016 |
OntoWiki - An Authoring, Publication and Visualization Interface for the Data Web |
Accept |
15,465 |
20/Apr/2016 | Language-Related Information for the Linguistic Linked Data Cloud |
Accept |
27,817 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Using ontologies to model human navigation behavior in information networks: A study based on Wikipedia |
Accept |
15,695 |
20/Apr/2016 |
Converting the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexicon into RDF with lemon |
Accept |
15,341 |
20/Apr/2016 |
OLiA – Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation |
Accept |
23,146 |
20/Apr/2016 |
lemonUby - a large, interlinked, syntactically-rich lexical resource for ontologies |
Accept |
14,087 |
20/Apr/2016 |
PAROLE/SIMPLE ‘lemon’ ontology and lexicons |
Accept |
17,655 |
20/Apr/2016 |
DBnary: Wiktionary as a Lemon-Based Multilingual Lexical Resource in RDF |
Accept |
16,346 |
20/Apr/2016 |