
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Towards a Linked Open Dataset for Scholarly Publishing: Semantic Lancet Project [EKAW] reject 6,564 11/Sep/2014
Interactive Learning: an Approach for Building DL Ontologies from Natural Language and Reasoning [EKAW] reject 7,031 11/Sep/2014
The Entity Registry System: Collaborative Editing of Entity Data in Poorly Connected Environments [EKAW] reject 5,946 11/Sep/2014
SAFE: Policy Aware SPARQL Query Federation Over RDF Data Cubes [EKAW] reject 5,476 15/Sep/2014
Introducing metrics in the lattice to build ontology [EKAW] reject 6,712 19/Sep/2014
Approaches, methods, metrics, measures, and subjectivity in ontology evaluation: A survey Reject 11,309 20/Sep/2014
Publishing and Interlinking the Global Health Observatory Dataset. Accept 12,463 14/Oct/2014
Semantic Web Journal Volume 5 Issue 6 Accept 10,863 14/Oct/2014
From datasets to datanodes: An Ontology Pattern for networks of data artifacts Major Revision 16,080 15/Oct/2014
Referring to multiple unspecified objects of a type: multi-instance fact pattern family Major Revision 9,730 15/Oct/2014
SFIE: The Semantic Framework for Bridging the Gap between Industry and Education Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,601 21/Oct/2014
An Event Based Design Pattern for Intertextual Legal Links Reject 6,972 31/Oct/2014
An adaptive multi-agent system for ontology co-evolution [EKAW] reject 4,802 02/Nov/2014
Pattern for licensing Linked Data Reject 5,915 12/Nov/2014
Time-Aware Link Prediction [EKAW] reject 5,281 12/Nov/2014
A Logic Programming based Approach to OWL RL Reject 5,799 16/Nov/2014
Directly deriving binary relation types from concept types, especially process or role types Reject 9,929 18/Nov/2014
The Semantic Web for all Accept 11,799 19/Nov/2014
Brazilian Cerrado: a case study of linked geographical and statistical data applied to Ecology Reject 7,555 19/Nov/2014
Bringing phytopathology onto the reasoned Semantic Web: the Plant-Pathogen Interactions Ontology (PPIO) Reject 9,676 19/Nov/2014
Semantic Web Improved with the Weighted IDF Feature Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,597 19/Nov/2014
The OntoIOp Registry – a Dataset Supporting Ontology, Model and Specification Integration and Interoperability Reject 8,816 05/Dec/2014
Global Weather Sensor Dataset Major Revision 7,883 08/Dec/2014
An Intelligent Ontology Alignment Tool Dealing with Complicated Mismatches [EKAW] reject 4,966 09/Dec/2014
The SemanticXBRL Dataset, Semantic Financial Data from XBRL Filings Reject 6,907 02/Jan/2015
Ontology alignment for wearable devices and bioinformatics in professional health care Reject 7,325 07/Jan/2015
HANmanager: Semantic-aware Policy Processing for User Centric Management of Home Networks Reject 7,731 10/Jan/2015
A Pattern for Periodic Intervals Reject 6,402 19/Jan/2015
Ontology-Based Information Flow Control of Network-Level Internet Communication 5,360 20/Jan/2015
