
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Translational research combining orthologous genes and human diseases with the OGOLOD dataset Accept 14,135 31/Mar/2013
SDD-Matcher: a Semantic-Driven Data Matching Framework Reject 5,742 01/Apr/2013
Ontology based Knowledge Management for Administrative Processes in Paperless Environment Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,244 01/Apr/2013
Making Sense of Social Media Streams through Semantics: a Survey Accept 24,106 02/Apr/2013
A semantic model for scholarly electronic publishing in Biomedical Sciences Accept 14,994 04/Apr/2013
A collaborative methodology for developing a semantic model for interlinking Cancer Chemoprevention linked data sources Accept 19,019 19/Apr/2013
Special issue on Linked Data for Health Care and the Life Sciences Accept 12,942 23/Apr/2013
The LEGO Unified Concepticon Reject 9,892 01/May/2013
Linked Brazilian Amazon Rainforest Data Accept 13,923 02/May/2013
DBpedia and Wordnet in Japanese Reject and Resubmit 9,083 25/May/2013
Multiculturalism and semantic interoperability in electronic health records: a W3C standard-based implementation Reject 5,457 29/May/2013
Increasing the Financial Transparency of European Commission Project Funding Accept 14,085 29/May/2013
Name-based Approach to Build a Hub for Biodiversity LOD Reject and Resubmit 10,862 30/May/2013
Linked Data, Big Data, and the 4th Paradigm Accept 17,329 10/Jun/2013
Exploring Knowledge with LOD for Recommendation System-A Survey Reject 5,343 11/Jun/2013
Exposing the Institute for Development Studies' Data using the API2LOD Linked Data Wrapper Major Revision 7,623 18/Jun/2013
Facilitating Data Discovery by Connecting Related Resources Reject and Resubmit 8,593 24/Jun/2013
RP-Match: A framework for Automatic Mapping of Regulations with Organizational Processes Reject 7,405 27/Jun/2013
COLINDA - Conference Linked Data Reject 13,020 27/Jun/2013
An Egocentric Semantic Reference System for Affordances Accept 13,291 30/Jun/2013
A pattern system for information flow control on the Internet Reject and Resubmit 6,196 15/Jul/2013
OpeNER Accommodations as Linked Data Reject 15,272 16/Jul/2013
Hybrid Reasoning on OWL RL Accept 13,807 22/Aug/2013
The Collections Ontology: creating and handling collections in OWL 2 DL frameworks Accept 29,746 24/Aug/2013
Semantically-enriched Pervasive Sensor-driven Systems Reject 8,471 25/Aug/2013
Is Alignment is Like Analogy? Using LISA for Ontology Alignment Reject 6,739 25/Aug/2013
EARTh: an Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud Accept 13,994 26/Aug/2013
Natural Language Generation in the context of the Semantic Web Accept 14,790 06/Sep/2013
Preface - RR2010 Special Issue Accept 14,841 06/Sep/2013
