
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
User Interaction Patterns for Linked Data Major Revision 1,387 18/Dec/2023
The Numerate Web: Mathematical Formulas and Computations on the Web of Data Major Revision 3,988 17/Dec/2023
Ontology-Based GraphQL Server Generation for Data Access and Data Integration Accept 2,025 06/Dec/2023
Context-Aware Composition of Agent Policies by Markov Decision Process Entity Embeddings and Agent Ensembles Accept 2,101 06/Dec/2023
OBO Foundry Food Ontology Interconnectivity Accept 2,181 06/Dec/2023
CANARD: An Approach for Generating Expressive Correspondences based on Competency Questions for Alignment Accept 1,592 04/Dec/2023
A Study of Concept Similarity in Wikidata Accept 1,446 04/Dec/2023
The RDF2vec Family of Knowledge Graph Embedding Methods Accept 2,023 04/Dec/2023
InterpretME: A Tool for Interpretations of Machine Learning Models Over Knowledge Graphs Accept 2,056 04/Dec/2023
NeuSyRE: Neuro-Symbolic Visual Understanding and Reasoning Framework based on Scene Graph Enrichment Accept 1,975 27/Nov/2023
Sem@K: Is my knowledge graph embedding model semantic-aware? Accept 1,615 27/Nov/2023
Wikidata subsetting: approaches, tools, and evaluation Accept 2,364 27/Nov/2023
Making Linked-Data Accessible: A Review Reject 1,300 23/Nov/2023
Differential Privacy and SPARQL Accept 1,766 14/Nov/2023
QALD-10 — The 10th Challenge on Question Answering over Linked Data Accept 2,416 14/Nov/2023
Using Semantic Story Maps to Describe a Territory beyond its Map Accept 1,769 14/Nov/2023
MonARCh: An Actor Based Architecture for Dynamic Linked Data Monitoring Reject (Two Strikes) 1,661 11/Nov/2023
Diversified Top-k query research on temporal knowledge graph Reject 1,216 06/Nov/2023
Beyond Querying: A Scalable Architecture for Linked Data Monitoring Reject 6,083 01/Nov/2023
The Brainteaser Ontology: a Progression and Monitoring of Brain-related Diseases Reject 1,322 23/Oct/2023
Self-regulatory Framework for Blockchain Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation Reject 1,004 23/Oct/2023
Digests, snapshots, events, or cumulative gaze - what is most informative of user success and failure? A study of the foretelling signs of user performance during interaction with visualizations of ontology class hierarchies Reject (Two Strikes) 1,020 23/Oct/2023
Rightsizing HVAC components using an ontology-driven Common Data Environment Reject 1,291 18/Oct/2023
ABECTO: Assessing Accuracy and Completeness of RDF Knowledge Graphs Reject (Two Strikes) 1,350 13/Oct/2023
Generation of SPARQL Query Extension Indices Based on Query Logs and Data Reject 1,132 10/Oct/2023
The Role of the GraphQL Framework within the Semantic Web Reject 1,477 25/Sep/2023
OntoMatcher: Leveraging Context-Aware Siamese Networks, LLMs and BioBERT for Enhanced Biomedical Ontology Alignment Reject 1,703 25/Sep/2023
A Unified and Evolvable Knowledge Graph Management Mechanism for Medical Data Reject 2,817 24/Sep/2023
