
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
A Semantic Meta-Model for Data Integration and Exploitation in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming Accept 2,935 30/Apr/2023
ciTIzen-centric DatA pLatform (TIDAL): Sharing Distributed Personal Data in a Privacy-Preserving Manner for Health Research Accept 3,012 24/Apr/2023
Knowledge Graphs for Enhancing Transparency in Health Data Ecosystems Accept 3,125 24/Apr/2023
Understanding the Structure of Knowledge Graphs with ABSTAT Profiles Accept 2,769 24/Apr/2023
Towards a formal ontology of engineering functions, behaviours, and capabilities Accept 2,715 24/Apr/2023
Terminology and Ontology Development for Semantic Annotation: A Use Case on Sepsis and Adverse Events Accept 2,975 24/Apr/2023
Context-aware query derivation for IoT data streams with DIVIDE enabling privacy by design Accept 2,670 24/Apr/2023
Empowering Machine Learning Models with Contextual Knowledge for Enhancing the Detection of Eating Disorders in Social Media Posts Accept 4,110 24/Apr/2023
Building a Knowledge Graph of Distributed Ledger Technologies Major Revision 1,981 03/Apr/2023
Dynamic Discussion Topics Illustrator: a collective knowledge system for modeling social media topics evolution Reject 2,071 09/Mar/2023
Perdurant Ontology Using Conceptual Dependency Theory Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,122 08/Mar/2023
Fuzzy Constraints for Knowledge Graph Embeddings Reject 2,213 27/Feb/2023
An approach to increase the usability of Shape Expressions editors Reject 1,930 20/Feb/2023
Assembly Line for conceptual models Reject 1,788 13/Feb/2023
IMOLA: interconnecting Land Registry in Europe Reject 1,938 05/Feb/2023
OPTIMA: A Hybrid OBDA System for Efficiently Querying Large Heterogeneous Data Major Revision 5,748 02/Feb/2023
OASIS: An Ontology-Driven Autonomic Management System for Intelligent Substations Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,731 02/Feb/2023
A Knowledge-based Strategy For XAI:The Explanation Graph Major Revision 7,851 02/Feb/2023
How Graph and Ontology May Add Value to Transactional Data Reject 2,883 26/Jan/2023
Semantic Abstraction and Modelling of Heterogeneous Application Deployments Reject 2,718 26/Jan/2023
Prediction of next words in Balochi Language -A Real Life Application Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,134 23/Jan/2023
The SILKNOW Knowledge Graph Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,262 23/Jan/2023
Dynamics of Information Diffusion in Clustered Multilayer Networks Reject (Pre-Screening) 982 23/Jan/2023
A dual approach to ShEx visualization with complexity management Reject 2,244 13/Jan/2023
From Olympics to War - Pursuing Sarajevo Identity using Sentiment Analysis Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,011 12/Jan/2023
A dynamic HDT variant Reject 1,860 11/Jan/2023
Applying Ontology Engineering to build a Poetry Domain Ontology. Reject 1,903 11/Jan/2023
A Graph-based Approach for Inferring Semantic Descriptions of Wikipedia Tables Major Revision 1,764 11/Jan/2023
Searching for explanations of black-box classifiers in the space of queries Reject (Two Strikes) 2,950 11/Jan/2023
