
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
A Conceptual Model for Ontology Quality Assessment Accept 1,974 06/Jun/2023
Native Aggregation in OWL2 and SWRL Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,985 20/Aug/2021
QALD-10 — The 10th Challenge on Question Answering over Linked Data Accept 1,999 14/Nov/2023
Knowledge Graph-Based Approach For Dynamic Ontology Generation Reject 2,012 21/Jun/2024
The Materials Design Ontology Accept 2,024 31/May/2023
Can you trust Wikidata? Accept 2,025 13/Feb/2024
Constructing, Enriching and Querying Knowledge Graphs in Natural Language Reject 2,025 09/Jun/2023
A dual approach to ShEx visualization with complexity management Reject 2,037 13/Jan/2023
RATIONALE: A Security and Safety Testing Ontology for Machine Learning-based systems Reject 2,048 19/Jul/2023
Fuzzy Constraints for Knowledge Graph Embeddings Reject 2,065 27/Feb/2023
A Survey of the State of Art for Multilingual Ontologies Classified Based on Application Reject 2,077 28/May/2023
OG: A Generic Framework for Knowledge Graph Embedding with Ontology Guided Relational Constrains Reject 2,086 20/Jul/2022
Ontology-based digital map integration Major Revision 2,091 25/Aug/2022
LegalNERo: A linked corpus for named entity recognition in the Romanian legal domain Accept 2,096 31/May/2023
Cultural Heritage Information Retrieval: Data Modelling and Applications Reject (Two Strikes) 2,110 11/Jan/2023
Using Wikidata Lexemes and Items to Generate Text from Abstract Representations Accept 2,110 19/Apr/2024
PersianQuAD: Native Question Answering Dataset for the Persian Language Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,123 09/Dec/2021
Data Sharing in Agricultural Supply Chains: Using semantics to enable sustainable food systems Accept 2,128 08/May/2023
Adversarial Transformer Language Models for Contextual Commonsense Inference Reject (Two Strikes) 2,141 20/Apr/2022
Towards Explainable Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Respecting Logical Commitments Reject 2,153 12/Jul/2022
Triple Confidence-aware Encoder-Decoder Model for Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion Reject (Two Strikes) 2,153 02/Jun/2022
An ontology for maintenance activities and its application to data quality Accept 2,160 17/May/2023
SPARQL query execution time prediction using Deep Learning Major Revision 2,165 17/Jul/2023
Survey of Models and Architectures to Ensure Linked Data Access Reject 2,167 21/Sep/2022
EmEL-V: EL++ Ontology Embeddings for Many-to-Many Relationships Major Revision 2,169 25/Apr/2024
Ontology and semantic net based technology applied to smart corrosion protection modelling & simulation Major Revision 2,176 22/Jun/2022
Formalizing and Validating Wikidata's Property Constraints using SHACL and SPARQL Accept 2,188 24/Jul/2024
Searching for explanations of black-box classifiers in the space of semantic queries Accept 2,225 23/Jun/2023
Beyond the Expressiveness of OWL for the Representation of Manufacturing Process Reject 2,227 13/May/2022
