
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Semantic web based rule checking of real-world scale BIM models: a pragmatic method Reject (Two Strikes) 6,417 01/Feb/2022
Methodologies for publishing linked open government data on the web: a systematic mapping and a unified process model Accept 4,090 27/Jan/2022
Intelligent Energy Systems Ontology to support markets and power systems co-simulation interoperability Reject 2,883 27/Jan/2022
Detecting situations of importance with Stream Reasoning on live health IoT data Major Revision 2,637 26/Jan/2022
CRAFTS: Configurable REST APIs For Triple Stores Reject 2,797 20/Jan/2022
The Nova Scotia Disease Knowledge Graph Reject 2,871 19/Jan/2022
Semantic representation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly offsite housing Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,872 18/Jan/2022
A Survey of Ontologies for Explainable Artifical Intelligence Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,901 17/Jan/2022
Components.js: Semantic Dependency Injection Accept 4,335 09/Jan/2022
A Strategy for Archives Metadata Representation on CIDOC-CRM and Knowledge Discovery Accept 4,686 09/Jan/2022
A method for automatic change of page orientation of the viewing page Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,691 08/Jan/2022
CURIOCITY: A Cultural Heritage Ontology for Urban Tourism Reject (Two Strikes) 2,479 05/Jan/2022
Casual Learn: A Linked Data-Based Mobile Application for Learning about Local Cultural Heritage Accept 7,229 03/Jan/2022
Network representation learning method embedding linear and nonlinear network structures Accept 3,391 31/Dec/2021
A Survey on Transfer Learning using Knowledge Graphs Accept 4,703 28/Dec/2021
Taxonomy Enrichment with Text and Graph Vector Representations Accept 3,432 28/Dec/2021
Analyzing the generalizability of the network-based topic emergence identification method Accept 3,543 28/Dec/2021
An Ontology-based Automation System: A Case Study of Citrus Fertilization Reject 4,975 28/Dec/2021
Linked Open Images: Visual Similarity for the Semantic Web Accept 4,094 28/Dec/2021
Handling Qualitative Preferences in SPARQL over Virtual Ontology-Based Data Access Accept 4,008 28/Dec/2021
Knowledge Graph Embedding for Data Mining vs. Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction - Two Sides of the same Coin? Accept 5,145 28/Dec/2021
Discovering alignment relations with Graph Convolutional Networks: a biomedical case study Accept 4,205 28/Dec/2021
Robust Query Processing for Linked Data Fragments Accept 4,111 27/Dec/2021
Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis Accept 4,463 26/Dec/2021
Semantics and Canonicalisation of SPARQL 1.1 Accept 3,786 26/Dec/2021
Continuous Multi-Query Optimization for Subgraph Matching over Dynamic Graphs Accept 3,811 26/Dec/2021
Glottocodes: Identifiers Linking Families, Languages and Dialects to Comprehensive Reference Information Accept 5,148 26/Dec/2021
Beyond Facts - a Survey and Conceptualisation of Claims in Online Discourse Analysis Accept 4,598 26/Dec/2021
Understanding the Structure of Knowledge Graphs with ABSTAT Profiles Reject 3,295 21/Dec/2021
