Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Views Updated
A Systematic Survey of Temporal Requirements of Bio-Health Ontologies Accept 7,926 20/May/2019
Building Relatedness Explanations from Knowledge Graphs Accept 8,585 05/Mar/2019
Towards a Question Answering System over the Semantic Web Accept 9,646 29/Jan/2019
Wan2Vec: Embeddings Learned on Word Association Norms Accept 8,303 05/Mar/2019
Studying the Impact of the Full-Network Embedding on Multimodal Pipelines Accept 8,182 25/Apr/2019
A Visual Modeling Approach for the Semantic Web Rule Language Accept 9,444 03/Dec/2018
Hate Speech Detection: A Solved Problem? The Challenging Case of Long Tail on Twitter Accept 9,257 25/Apr/2019
Empirical Methodology for Crowdsourcing Ground Truth Accept 7,719 26/Nov/2020
Boosting Document Retrieval with Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data Accept 9,374 28/Aug/2018
On the Prospects of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies for Open Science and Academic Publishing Accept 16,659 09/Apr/2019
Using Knowledge Anchors to Facilitate User Exploration of Data Graphs Accept 8,546 29/Jan/2019
Completeness and Soundness Guarantees for Conjunctive SPARQL Queries over RDF Data Sources with Completeness Statements Accept 9,816 29/Jan/2019
Semantic Technologies and Interoperability in the Built Environment Accept 7,824 14/Aug/2018
EMBench++: Benchmark Data for Thorough Evaluation of Matching-Related Methods Accept 7,761 12/Sep/2018
Generating Public Transport Data based on Population Distributions for RDF Benchmarking Accept 8,308 08/Aug/2018
Ontology-mediated query answering over temporal and inconsistent data Accept 8,936 30/Oct/2018
VIG: Data Scaling for OBDA Benchmarks Accept 10,000 30/Oct/2018
Information Extraction meets the Semantic Web: A Survey Accept 21,789 19/Oct/2018
Survey of Tools for Linked Data Consumption Accept 23,385 06/Aug/2018
SpecINT: A framework for data integration over cheminformatics and bioinformatics RDF repositories Accept 9,337 28/Aug/2018
Enhancing the Scalability of Expressive Stream Reasoning via input-driven Parallelization Accept 8,873 12/Sep/2018
Difficulty-level Modeling of Ontology-based Factual Questions Accept 9,516 17/Aug/2020
HDT crypt: Compression and Encryption of RDF Datasets Accept 12,444 11/May/2020
Topic Profiling Benchmarks in the Linked Open Data Cloud: Issues and Lessons Learned Accept 8,914 24/Aug/2018
Remixing Entity Linking Evaluation Datasets for Focused Benchmarking Accept 9,456 30/Oct/2018
Benchmarking Semantic Reasoning on Mobile Platforms: Towards Optimization Using OWL2 RL Accept 8,111 06/Aug/2018
The Modular SSN Ontology: A Joint W3C and OGC Standard Specifying the Semantics of Sensors, Observations, Sampling, and Actuation Accept 11,782 09/Aug/2018
A Convolutional Neural Network-based Model for Knowledge Base Completion and Its Application to Search Personalization Accept 10,531 25/Apr/2019
Semantic Web and Human Computation: the Status of an Emerging Field Accept 8,592 19/May/2019
A Quality Assessment Approach for Evolving Knowledge Bases Accept 7,915 27/Aug/2018
