2021 Journal Impact Metrics
The 2021 impact factors were just released, and the Semantic Web journal is at 2,214. We will compare it with the impact factors from the same journals we compared it with in previous years.
First the list of "Web" journals which we generated five years ago for comparison, together with the new, updated, impact factors.
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 7.135
World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems 2.716
Semantic Web 2.214
ACM Transactions on the Web 2.043
Journal of Web Semantics 1.897
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 0.843
International Journal of Web Services Research 0.692
Like last year, here are some journals (the same as last year in fact) with overlapping scope.
Information Systems 7.453
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: 6.977
VLDB Journal 2.868
Knowledge and Information Systems 2.822
Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.757
World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems 2.716
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 2.351
Semantic Web 2.214
ACM Transactions on the Web 2.043
Data & Knowledge Engineering 1.992
Journal of Web Semantics 1.897
Applied Ontology 1.115
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 0.843
Some journals covering generically larger communities of course rather high impact factors.
Communications of the ACM 4.654
Knowledge-based Systems 8.038
Artificial Intelligence 9.088
IEEE Intelligent Systems 3.405
Also, Google Scholar just updated its conference and journal metrics. If we look at the listing of top ranked conferences and journals - in terms of Google Scholar h5-index - with "Web" in the title, via the live link or the snapshot below (from July 2021), we notice that the Semantic Web journal is listed as the top ranked journal, like last year, and with h5-index improved.
While this is of course a satisfying ranking for the Semantic Web journal, we want to emphasize that the Google Scholar h5-ranking and the impact factor have to be interpreted with caution, like all such metrics.
- Pascal Hitzler's blog
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