EKAW 2014 features a Semantic Web journal fast-track
As announced in our blog before, the 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management EKAW 2014 will offer a combined submission in collaboration with the Semantic Web journal.
In addition to the regular conference submission, EKAW 2014 offers authors the possibility to submit their work to a combined conference/journal submission track. Papers submitted via this track will be published as regular research paper in the EKAW 2014 Springer conference proceedings; an extended version of the paper will be published as a full journal paper at the Semantic Web journal (SWJ) by IOS Press.
The deadline and Easychair submission system for the combined submission is the same as for the conference-only track. Authors interested in the combined track should indicate this via the submission system. Papers submitted to the combined track will then undergo the regular (open and transparent) SWJ review process with the following possible decisions:
- Rejected
- Accepted for the conference proceedings
- Accepted for the conference proceedings and invited for extended submission to the Semantic Web journal
Papers that are acceptable for both will be printed in the Springer volume and authors will be asked to submit an extended version (at least 30-50% new content, e.g., full literature review, full evaluation, proofs, additional results, additional case studies, implementation details) within 6 weeks. This extended version will then undergo a fast-track review process, i.e., we assume that the paper as such is acceptable and the reviewers will focus on revisions. These revisions could still be substantial and the final acceptance is based on the authors' ability to address those revisions. Papers in the accepted for the conference proceedings category will be accepted to the EKAW Springer proceedings.
The organisers of EKAW 2014 are committed to an open and transparent reviewing process. For this reason they encourage authors to submit their paper as a combined conference/journal submission. These submissions and the reviews, are then public, which fosters scientific discourse and high-quality reviewing.
Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission: July 9, 2014
- Full Paper Submission: July 16, 2014
- Notification: September 3, 2014
- Camera-Ready: September 19, 2014
For all details and the link to the submission system, see the EKAW 2014 call for papers.
- Krzysztof Janowicz's blog
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