Journal Impact Factors 2019
There is an update to this page available.
The 2019 impact factors were just released, and the Semantic Web journal is at 3.524, up from last year's 2.224. We will compare it with the impact factors from the same journals we compared it with in previous years.
First the list of "Web" journals which we generated three years ago for comparison, together with the new, updated, impact factors.
Semantic Web 3.524
Journal of Web Semantics 2.429
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 1.833
World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems 1.770
ACM Transactions on the Web 1.580
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 0.833
International Journal of Web Services Research 0.447
The Semantic Web journal still tops this list, with quite a distance to the runner-up.
Like last year, here are some journals (the same as last year in fact) with overlapping scope.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: 3.857
Semantic Web 3.524
Journal of Web Semantics 2.429
Knowledge and Information Systems 2.397
Multimedia Tools and Applications 2.101
Information Systems 2.006
VLDB Journal 1.973
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 1.833
World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems 1.770
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 1.734
Data & Knowledge Engineering 1.583
ACM Transactions on the Web 1.580
Applied Ontology 0.750
In terms of order, we are for the first time second in this list, with quite a distance to the third.
Some journals covering generically larger communities of course are higher.
Communications of the ACM 5.410
Knowledge-based Systems 5.101
Artificial Intelligence 4.483
IEEE Intelligent Systems 4.464
- but these are not really our competition.
- Pascal Hitzler's blog
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