Review Comment:
This manuscript was submitted as 'Ontology Description' and should be reviewed along the following dimensions: (1) Quality and relevance of the described ontology (convincing evidence must be provided). (2) Illustration, clarity and readability of the describing paper, which shall convey to the reader the key aspects of the described ontology. Please also assess the data file provided by the authors under “Long-term stable URL for resources”. In particular, assess (A) whether the data file is well organized and in particular contains a README file which makes it easy for you to assess the data, (B) whether the provided resources appear to be complete for replication of experiments, and if not, why, (C) whether the chosen repository, if it is not GitHub, Figshare or Zenodo, is appropriate for long-term repository discoverability, and (4) whether the provided data artifacts are complete. Please refer to the reviewer instructions and the FAQ for further information.
The authors present a KG of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) that includes an ontology of relevant concepts and relations. The recent focus on cryptocurrency and blockchain has belied the variety of existing DLT technologies. The targeted KG focuses on a broad perspective of DLT, their security considerations, real-world applications, and standardization and legal perspectives. A systematic approach to constructing the ontology was used, and the KG was evaluated using a set of competency questions.
The topic is quite interesting and suitable for the semantic web journal. However, I feel there are some major problems that should be fixed before publication.
(1) Quality and relevance of the described ontology. Most importantly, after trying some competency queries, the contents of the KG seem rather underwhelming. There are only 9 types of components (many more consensus mechanisms exist, notably, proof-of-stake, which greatly improves upon proof-of-work), 3 (!) DLT systems, and 2 use cases with specialized DLT systems - this is a part I was especially interested in. Multiple classes are not instantiated (OrganizationalControl, Mitigation, ..). As a result, it seems that not all competency questions can actually be answered (e.g., I3 (no smart car, public transit use cases), S5), which seems to imply that the evaluation proposed by the authors was actually unsuccessful.
With regards to the ontology design, the choice for an RDFS ontology is not motivated. It seems that, if OWL had been used, multiple properties could be inferred using OWL axioms. For instance, isUsedFor could be derived from isSpecializedFor & hasBusinessSector; hasUseCase and hasBusinessSector seem inverse versions of each other; threatens (range DLTComponent) could be inferred from canExploit & hasVulnerability, and threatens (range DLTSystem) could be inferred from canExploit & hasVulnerability + hasComponent. By only asserting core knowledge, and then deriving inferred knowledge, one can keep the "core" ontology more compact, and avoid redundancy and inconsistency. The "controls" and "mitigates" properties are a bit unclear - giving some examples of controls and mitigations would help.
- spelling
As a matter of style: instead of "in [1]", consider using "X et al. [1]..."; "Reports like [7]" -> "Reports as by Deshpande [7]", especially in cases such as "by the authors of [25]" -> "by Werbach [25]", etc.
"describes the ontology In detail, and it explains" ->
"describes the ontology in detail, and explains"
"a data structure that (cryptographically) links blocks of data into a list of blocks" ->
"a data structure that (cryptographically) links blocks of data into a chain of blocks"
"3. Second, we define" ->
"3. We define"
"we instantiate the developed ontology by with" ->
"we instantiate the developed ontology with"
"Which normative references do exists" ->
"Which normative references do exist"
"of an industry form an initiative" ->
"of an industry to form an initiative"
"Domain: IndustryInitiatives" ->
"Domain: IndustryInitiative"
"in a knowledge graph: While" ->
"in a knowledge graph: while"
(2) Illustration, clarity and readability of the describing paper. The paper and KG scope is rather inconsistently defined throughout the paper, making it difficult to grasp what the exact focus is. Section 3.1 describes the scope differently from the introduction, where the focus lies on security; mentioning more generally "factors which affect the implementation and operation of distributed ledgers". Section 3.2 then introduces 3 major areas of technology, business & market use, legal & standardization; this really seems to belong in section 3.1. Then, Section 3.3 introduces 3 different categories, namely technology & security, industry & application, and standardization & regulation. Even if they were synonyms (don't think they are) it's unsure why the same terms are simply not used consistently. It is also rather unclear what standardization means in this context; interfaces, capabilities, underlying technology, interoperability with other DLT or IT systems, ...?
A) - C) and (4): the associated data arteficts are satisfactory, and the authors did a great job on the online documentation and data files. The online SPARQL endpoint is very useful. However, note that the default example in SPARQL endpoint ( does not yield any results - one needs to add "DLT Knowledge Graph" as well. And, the way T1 is written does not yield useful results (components are blank nodes). It would even be more useful if all competency questions can be selected from drop-down.