Review Comment:
This is paper that is easy to read, but not easy to follow.
In fact, I still have not been able to classify is as either
a description of a tool, a proposal for new architecture, or
simply a research paper (in which case is not easy to determine
the focused contributions).
The authors made the following claims:
- In this work we will study the elementary operations needed in
order to set up the storage an querying foundatons of a rule-based
reasoning system [...]
This paper features the design and construction of such architecture (abstract)
- The problem addresses in this paper is the Ontology-based
data access problem (p. 1)
- [...] we are able to set as a goal to obtain a system that
would be able to perform conjunctive queries over KB of any size
and structure (p. 8)
- we propose a software platform (p. 7)
- one of our main contributions of the software is to help make
explicit different storage system choices for the knowledge
engineer in charge of the manipulation of the data (p. 9)
- In this paper we have presented ALASKA, the software architecture
we have designed and we have used to study the efficiency of
existing storage systems for the elementary opertions of
conjunctive query answering. (p. 24)
If I understood well, we have to evaluate a software system
(more than an architecture), whose requirements are set.
Let us analyze secton by section:
Section 2. a descriptive and background section.
The paper begins at a rather abstract level, wih many definitions
and background. One learns in section 2.2.1. that the paper
"will focus only in KB stored on disk".
Section 3. A descriptive section.
This is a narrative description of the system ALASKA.
There is not much one can comment on it.
Section 4: An example.
Section 5: This section makes the link of ALASKA with databases,
by describing how to different KB are stored. The most interesting
part is subsection 5.2.3 Challenges:
- Memory consumption
- Garbage collecting
Unfortunately they do not tell us nothing concrete, but a general
description of experiments made (no details), and some general
conclusions derived from them.
Subsecction 5.2.4. Contribution, on the other hand, tells us why some design decisions have been made.
In 5.2.5 Results, a comparison with other system (Jena in particular)
are mentioned, but nothing conclusive.
Section 6: Querying.
Only time is tested. Memory consumption (a crucial fact when
considering large data sets taht do not fit in main memory) is not considered (there is no convincing argument why).
The experiments in 6.2 did not convince me. The first paragraph
"After a first battery of tests, in which neat conclusions were
difficult to obtain, we have focused in the adaptation of our
problem into a CSP problem and the integration of a CSP solving
program in order to address conjunctive query answering".
In 6.2.2., the queries selected for experiments (items 1 to 4)
show only "star" queries. The main problem, as it is well known,
are not these queries, but join queries, e.g. of the type
p(x,y) AND q(y,z) AND r(z,w), etc.
Thus the experiments do not tell very much about the strength
of the system.
Section 7. Discusion and Future Work.
After the material presented in previous section, there is not
much one can add. In my opinion the paper needs more focus, to
concentrate on one or two topics, e.g. to show why ALASKA is
needed, why and in what scenarios it outperforms other systems,
and most importantly, to design and run good experments to prove
the claims.
Another focus could be the subtitle: " A generic approach towards
rule-based systems". In this case, wuold be good to devise a sort
of benchmark. The queston that comes over and over when reding the
paper is: what are the main problems or challenges of such systems,
and why and how alasks solves them, or address them better.
Details of form:
1. Tables and figures font should be enlarged (e.g. p. 4, 7, 16, etc.)
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