Review Comment:
Overall evaluation
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 3 strong accept
== 2 accept
== 1 weak accept
XX == 0 borderline paper
== -1 weak reject
== -2 reject
== -3 strong reject
Reviewer's confidence
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 5 (expert)
== 4 (high)
XX == 3 (medium)
== 2 (low)
== 1 (none)
Interest to the Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Community
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 5 excellent
== 4 good
XX == 3 fair
== 2 poor
== 1 very poor
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 5 excellent
== 4 good
XX == 3 fair
== 2 poor
== 1 very poor
Technical quality
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 5 excellent
== 4 good
XX == 3 fair
== 2 poor
== 1 very poor
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 5 excellent
== 4 good
XX == 3 fair
== 2 poor
== 1 not present
Clarity and presentation
Select your choice from the options below and write its number below.
== 5 excellent
XX == 4 good
== 3 fair
== 2 poor
== 1 very poor
The paper presents the usage of an Entity Registry system to get help get user-centric statistics out of the Sugar e-learning platform, with a focus on low-connectivity environments. Overall, the problem as stated is already a solved problem using basic encryption how to transmit this data in a manner that only authorized people can read it, and PETS (Privacy-Enhancing Technologies) already has work (see Danesiz et al.) on how to do statistics in a privacy preserving manner. It's also really unclear how the Entity Registry System would do anything to help user-privacy.
However, the authors do build a Linked Data "entity registry" regardless. The RDF part of their solution, as the constraints forbid the usage of real RDF, and the use of URNs rather than http URIs makes the work non-lined data compliant. While work has been done on the evaluation data-set, the data consists of the repetition of a 73 item data set over 100 times, and thus is not realistic. There are some interesting points made about scalability and registries, but they are done within such a contrived context that is difficult to tell what they are.