Review Comment:
This application report describes the usage scenarios of LOD2 stack at a German global publisher company. Unfortunately, this report has not been written in such a way that allows me to accurately review the technical soundness of its contents. The authors do not provide a satisfactory description of the methodology used, no clear and concise results are presented and the conclusions in this report are vague. Moreover, this manuscript does not clearly delineate a problem statement that has been addressed/solved by the application of a Semantic Web technology
Major Comments:
-Pages 1-2, Section 1: Introduction:
The authors describe the requirements of a real world use case for the LOD2 stack at an accounting agency. However no relevant technical details are given. For example, no explanation is given regarding how TWC manages to keep track of changes of value added tax returns regulations across Euro zone countries. How is the data retrieved, normalized (syntactic or semantic) and queried?
-Pages 2-3, Section 2: Overview of the LOD2 Stack:
In this section the attempt to provide a methodological overview of their use of the LOD2 stack, however a description of how the data is gathered and transformed into RDF is missing. Also, the authors fail to provide a list of known ontologies or vocabularies that they are using to integrate their data. Lastly, an explanation on how the data is being normalized across the different datasets would be imperative.
- Pages 3-4, Section 3: The Linked Data Life Cycle:
In this section the authors do not introduce any of the 8 stages of LOD2's Linked Data Life cycle with any tangible, technically relevant examples. Thereby making this section somewhat difficult to follow for the reader.
-Pages 4-5, Section 4: Data-Flows at Global Publishers:
The authors provide an extraneous extensive description (including Figure 2) of “Business units” that form part of the company Wolters Kluwer Germany (WKG). Please summarize or remove this section.
-Pages 5-8: Section 5: Usage of the LOD2 stack at WKG
The authors should provide an explanation as to why they decided to use a tool like Valiant for directly transforming XML into RDF. Please provide details regarding the type of data being serialized by these XML documents and the inherit challenges in preserving the intended semantics when performing automatic syntactic transformations.
Minor Comments:
-Page 2, column 1, second paragraph:
In the sentence: “The evolution of the extracted knowledge needs to be supported, since the original documents might change.”. The authors should clarify what is meant by “supporting” the evolution of extracted knowledge. How are they suggesting that this would be done?
- Page 2, column 1, second paragraph:
In the sentence: “We can apply reasoning techniques to enrich the knowledge bases with upper level structures”, what is meant by “structures”? Please clarify if the authors are referring to an ontology or a vocabulary.
Page 2, column 1, last paragraph:
- The acronym “ERP” has not been properly described.
- Page 3, column 2:
Please rectify the numbering of the stages that form part of the linked data life cycle
-Page 4, column 1:
Please clarify the use of “mutual fertilization” in the sentence: “... but by investigating methods which facilitate a mutual fertilization of ...”.
-Page 5 Section 5:
Please revise the title of this section. I think it should read WKG and not WKD.
- I would advise that the authors make use of a proofreading service to check for minor grammatical and spelling mistakes found throughout the manuscript