Review Comment:
The paper has been significantly improved in this revision. In particular, the novel section 1.1 "Institutional and technical context" provides a clear motivation for the proposed system, which is long-term preservation of datasets in the humanities sector. From this long-term perspective, the use of vendor-specific solutions are avoided to prevent any vendor lock-in. Instead, they rely on standards or on self-descriptive/in-band solutions where user permissions and versioning are directly are included in the RDF graphs.
The positioning with existing works and standards has been improved and reached in my view an acceptable state. Most of my comments have been addressed, in particular in the novel section 2.1 "Scope of Gravsearch".
Some too-broad usages of the term "SPARQL endpoint" are still present in the text (they were already there in the first version). I think it would be better to align them with the new positioning of the paper.
* Page 4, column 2, line 43: "This extra layer of processing enables Gravsearch to avoid the disadvantages of SPARQL endpoints and to provide additional features."
* Page 6, second column, row 50: "With a SPARQL endpoint, there would be no way to prevent other users from querying the value".
Similarly, the comparison with HyperGraphQL has not evolved and remains not convincing for me. Offering a GraphQL/HyperGraphQL interface could actually be an interesting perspective for the presented work so as to further improve the system scalability. This would probably be compatible with most of the proposals made in this paper, except the current pagination mechanism, which could be anyway replaced by a GraphQL-specific one. Consequently, I would suggest the authors to remove HyperGraphQL from the related work section and mention it instead in the section 2.1 as a direction for a future investigation on the delicate balance between expressivity and scalability.
While some small improvements can still be done, I think they can be easily be addressed in a camera-ready version. I am therefore in favor of having this paper accepted.
Minor comments:
* Page 12, column 2, line 16: "but to an API server rather than to the triplestore" . Perhaps "virtual endpoint" would be more appropriated than "API server", as a triplestore can also be viewed as an API server.
* Instead of changing the semantics of the SPARQL OFFSET, which can be very confusing, one could have introduced a novel construct like PAGE_OFFSET.
* How does the client know that it has retrieved all the results? By asking for the following page and receiving an empty answer?