Review Comment:
AEC industry is one of the most fascinating and challenging domains for semantically-rich decentralized information management, due to the complexity and variety of built environment, fragmented nature of projects, the long lifecycle of built assets, and the complex security and privacy concerns in living environments. Due to the exceptional inefficiencies in construction industry, proper digitalized solutions have a high potential to improve productivity, quality and energy efficiency, as well as to reduce waste, ultimately decreasing the climate impact of construction.
There has been significant previous research within the Linked Building Data community on semantic interoperability, focusing mostly on Semantic Web technologies, ontology development, and reasoning applications. Despite the obviously decentralized information production and consumption by tens or hundreds of companies, changing from project to project, the research on compatible information sharing solutions has been lacking. This paper makes an important contribution by proposing a solution based on Solid Server, an advanced and practical decentralized platform. It goes to the level of detail where the difficulties and complexities of decentralized management will ultimately be revealed.
1. Originality: The paper presents definitely original research that combines Linked Building Data modelling technologies with publication of decentralized data of building projects on Solid Server that is a promising solution concerning the nature of data in the AEC industry.
2. Significance of the results: The decentralized information management solution outlined this paper could potentially have a revolutionary impact for AEC industry. Conversely, the complexities in and experiences from challenges of the AEC domain can benefit the development of decentralized data publication practices in general.
3. Quality of writing: The presentation could be simplified and better organized for readers not previously familiar with AEC domain or Linked Building Data research.
Detailed remarks:
- The scope covered in the paper is fairly large and its content is quite complex, especially for readers not familiar with Linked Building Data beforehand, or more generally, for those without previous understanding of AEC domain and Semantic Web technologies. The paper would benefit from pruning of unnecessary contents and from somewhat more elementary description of the core contents.
- The overall presentation should be targeted more towards the general Semantic Web community, or given the title of the special issue, to readers that additionally have only general background in industrial engineering. Especially the Introduction uses many concepts such as BIM, IFC, ifcOWL, Linked Building Data ontologies, CDE, ICDD, partial models (including disciplines such as HVAC) withhout proper introduction, which can make the text challenging even for people with some previous background in AEC. The concept of "double patchwork" should be made more visible, and the problems of IFC that Linked Building Data ontologies are supposed to solve should be described in more detail. It would be better if the essential content of Fig 1 (the BIM maturity wedge) could be redrawn or summarized in other ways; there are too many unexplained acronyms and terms in the figure, and the ten-year old figure already benefit from some re-evaluation. On the other hand, in this forum it is not necessary to explain what Semantic Web or ontologies are in general.
- Research objectives should be presented in more explicit manner in 1.4 (like in the end of the Abstract). The requirement 3 in 1.4 seems to be overly strongly formulated considering the topic of the paper. The requirement 5 is too weakly formulated: isn't one central purpose of Linked Data to support linking specifically at object level and not only at document level? Also security should be addressed more explicitly in the requirement 2; the lack of it is one of the main obstacles for the adoption of these kinds of decentralized solutions in AEC.
- The role of ICDD in this work is difficult to understand, since the ICDD standard is not followed as specified and ICDD ontologies are not imported to or referenced by the LBDS ontology (nor in Listing 1). ICDD presents a very specific approach to exchange snapshots of interrelated files as zip-packages that can also contain cross-file linksets where links refer to internal identifiers or structures within those files. How does the ICDD approach help to achieve the goals of LBDServer which appear to be dynamic information management and sharing among stakeholders self-hosting the data they produce? ICDD is an intermediate and unambitious, more static and closed, and less defererencable/queriable version of linked data that could at best serve as a way to importing/exporting data between traditional sources and proper linked data systems. Moreover, it is unclear why LBDserver is presented as an implementation of ICDD, since it appears that only some sub-document linking patters of ICDD are used. The role of ICDD in the description of 4.3 The Reference Registry is more confusing than helpful. I would suggest to remove all or most discussion about ICDD and only include it as a citation. The references to DCAT2 - and naturally also LDP - in the LBDS ontology clearly make much more sense. It would also be interesting and relevant to relate the work to ISO 19650 terminology about Information Models and Information Containers.
- Fig 2. The prefixes ifc:, sosa:, omg: and geo: (at least) are not included in the Listing 1. The names of ifcOWL classes are not correct: for instance, it should be ifc:IfcBeam instead of ifc:Beam (unfortunately).
- Listing 2 and 3: Again, check that the prefix declarations are included in Listing 1.
- It is recommended to draw all ontology/instance diagrams in Fig 3 - Fig 10 in a uniform graphical notation. Either the notation used in Fig 5 - Fig 10 or alternatively in the Chowlk notation.
- The concept of a partial model within AEC should be better explained, including an overview of architectural, structural and MEP models such as HVAC model, together with evolution of models in the design stage.
- Fig 6. Based on the description above, shouldn't the virtual containment relation lbd:aggregates be lbd:contains?
- Check the use of the fixed-width font. E.g., how is formatted.
- Could the contents of Listing 4 - Listing 8 be illustrated with a diagram?
- Reference registries seem to contain elements related to each other only with the owl:sameAs relation. Since different partial models contain different entities (even the wall entities are not same in architectural and structural models, let alone any other entities), lots of local aliases for the entities of other models need to be created. How are these new local aliases connected to the other entities in the local model? I wonder if allowing the links to directly refer to external entities and supporting other link relations besides owl:sameAs would enable more semantically expressive connections between partial models.
- The three-level identifier scheme (concept - reference - identifier) is really complex. It is difficult to figure out the need for it - it may of course depend on whether identifiers are regenerated at the conversion or importing time. The examples in 4.3.3 are unconvincing. How do different parties come into conclusion that some of their concepts are same, given also the volume of concepts? What if they are not quite the same, but one is spatially or temporarily included in another, overlaps with another, a part of another, and so on?
- The example in Listing 14 seems to be syntactically incorrect, with dangling line starting with schema:value.
- Examples of SPARQL queries (hopefully federated) or other similar ways to use the data across multiple models should be presented as suggested in the end of Section 5. Also, the whatever specific setup actions (authentication to different services, etc.) are needed before the queries are run should be indicated.
- It is a somewhat trivial concern, but I would find the turtle fragments more readable if the naming conventions would more clearly indicate if the name refers to an individual or a class. Especially, I would prefer that individuals are not named as "concept..." but as "individual...", even though I understand that there are thing called individual concepts
- It would make sense to reference the International Data Spaces effort and especially the concept of data sovereignty.
- The associated ontologies and their documentation are fine