Review Comment:
The paper “Modular Ontology Modeling” presents the Modular Ontology Modeling (MOMo) methodology on the one hand (as an abstract process or workflow) and the Comprehensive Modular Ontology IDE (CoModIDE) on the other. CoModIDE is a tool/implementation – realised as a Protégé plugin – that plays a crucial role when fully implementing the MOMo workflow in a concrete ontology development project. The MOMo workflow comprises the following ten steps: 1. Describe use cases and gather possible data sources; 2. Gather competency questions; 3. Identify key notions for the domain to be modelled; 4. Identify existing ontology design patterns to be used; 5. Create schema diagrams for modules; 6. Set up documentation and determine axioms for each module; 7. Create ontology schema diagram from the module schema diagrams; 8. Add axioms spanning more than one module; 9. Reflect on entity naming and all axioms; 10. Create OWL file(s).
The article consists of the following sections: 1. Introduction (three pages), 2. Related Work (four pages), 3. The Modular Ontology Modeling Methodology (seven pages), 4. CoModIDE (seven pages), 5. Additional Infrastructures and Resources (one column), 6. Experiences (three pages), 7. Conclusion (one page). The two core parts of the paper are Section 3, which describes the different steps of the MOMo methodology in sometimes abstract, sometimes concrete terms, and Section 4, which describes the CoModIDE editor plugin. Section 4 also includes an exhaustive evaluation of the developed tool, which is described on a total of almost five pages.
The paper starts out with the aspect of reusing ontologies, which is, according to the authors, a difficult task in itself and only done rarely. This choice is interesting since this aspect of reusing of ontologies is becoming less and less important the more the paper progresses. It’s also not really clear how MOMo addresses this issue – probably through the use of Ontology Design Patterns but that’s not really MOMo-specific. Furthermore, this reviewer would’ve liked to see some empirical evidence with regard to the claim that ontologies are rarely reused.
On page 2 (lines 5-8) the authors claim: “using a fine-grained ontology for a use case that requires only coarse granularity data is unwieldy due to (possibly massively) increased size of ontology and data graph.” This is certainly true, but what about the simple solution of deleting the detailed bits and pieces from the existing ontology that are not needed in the new application scenario?
Also on page 2 (right column, lines 29-35), the different steps that can be performed to reuse an ontology deserve some more explanation because these different ways of approaching an existing ontology and making it work for one’s own use case can be very valuable information, especially for less advanced ontologists. At the same time, I was wondering when “keeping track of the provenance” (line 39) may become important in a certain reuse scenario or is it relevant for all types of reuse?
“Modules” are an essential concept in MOMo. On page 3 (left column, line 20) an example is mentioned: “cooking recipe”. Is this a good/representative example for such a module? Shouldn’t “ingredient” be the right module or perhaps “instruction”, maybe “prerequisite” – out of which “cooking recipe” is being constructed? Also, “cooking recipe” is conceptually very close to the well-known text type of the same name. This reviewer finds this example unnecessarily confusing. In addition, I’d like to suggest to provide some more examples, especially examples that contrast good modules with bad ontologies.
Also (line 33-34), the statement “modules, in this sense, indicate a departure from a more traditional perspective on ontologies, where they are often viewed as enhanced taxonomies.” This should be explained in more detail.
Overall, while Section 1 presents various good and certainly correct observations, this part is quite long and also vague. Concrete examples need to be presented earlier, I also suggest to significantly condense the section.
Section 3 is one of the two core parts of the paper. It’s probably due to the abstract nature of the paper’s overall topic that, again, quite a few abstract and vague terms and phrases are used (“strong, versatile modular ontology”, “it is advisable that …”, “establish a good modular ontology” etc.). These are quite subjective statements and should, from this reviewer’s point of view, be used only scarcely. Alternatively, one could attempt to provide solid definitions of these terms, which is, of course, challenging.
With reference to page 10 (left column, lines 33-45) I was wondering the following: if modules, as the paragraph implies, are completely arbitrary, why make use of the concept of “modules” at all?
On page 11, the ten steps are presented. My suggestion would be to present these steps in the form of a table or figure and to also include relevant key information, for example, the respective output of the step, any prerequisites, the medium involved etc. Such a compressed overview would’ve made the paper clearer and it could help to remove some of the rather fine-grained textual descriptions.
Section 3.6.3 (“Identify key notions for the domain to be modelled”) is, at least to this reviewer, one of the key sections of the paper. This section would benefit from a more thorough description.
Section 4 is the second core part of the paper, it presents CoModIDE. Here, an obvious question with regard to the statement “Per MOMo, the formalization of the developed solution into an OWL ontology is carried out after-the-fact, by a designated ontologist with extensive knowledge of both the language and applicable tooling.” (page 15, right column, lines 3-6): if an expert is needed at the end anyway, is all the effort of following the MOMo process really worth it? Can this trade-off (quick and dirty ontology done by an expert vs. thoroughly developed MOMo ontology) be measured somehow?
Also on page 15 (line 38), this reviewer was surprised to see that the built-in ODP repository is not the very first item in that list.
With regard to the evaluation (Section 4.2), there are several questions: concerning H1, who are the actual intended users of the tool – experts? Also, I think the relationship of this specific evaluation with the overall methodology needs to be stressed in a more thorough way (which of the ten steps does the evaluation refer to?). One of my most crucial questions (Section 4.2.3): the participants of the study were given the two schema diagrams shown in Figures 11 and 12, correct? These two schema diagrams explicitly mention several design patterns: Provenance, Event, Trajectory, ExplicitTyping. Magnifying Figure 10 (the CoModIDE screenshot) quite a bit, these design patterns are actually listed in the tool itself while in standard Protégé they are not listed. Having said that, I don’t think it’s a big surprise that the participants could solve the task faster and more efficiently with CoModIDE than with standard Protégé. In one tool the needed building blocks are presented in a menu, ready to be used, in the other tool they aren’t. I don’t think this aspect is addressed anywhere in the evaluation but it obviously should be.
With regard to Section 6, this reviewer is not really sure how helpful these “experiences” really are. If they are mentioned at all in the paper, then maybe also include additional examples, code, schemas, diagrams – something tangible.
While reading the paper this reviewer constantly thought that the topic of the article is, by all means, interesting and relevant for the journal but maybe a journal article is not the right text type to bring these different and also abstract notions as well as collections of best practices across. It’s absolutely obvious that the authors have decades of experience designing ontologies and that many additional examples could have been mentioned but the available space of a journal article is, at the end of the day, limited. My feeling is that a (significantly) extended version of the paper with many more examples and practical examples could also make a good textbook or perhaps an interactive online resource or university course. In fact, some of the more practical topics of the paper are so crucial that it may even make sense to explore them for a potential OWL2 standardisation track, should this ever happen.
Typos I noticed (there are more):
-Page 4, left column, line 17 (“is”)
-Page 6, right column, line 11: Please include, ideally for all citations, the full author name instead of only the reference in square brackets to make the text flow a bit more naturally.
-Page 16, left column, line 11 (“will need be”)
-Page 16, left column, line 18 (“an a graphical”)
-Page 17, left column, line 17 (“each the steps”)
-Page 22, left column, line 23 (“a general patterns”)
-Page 22, right column, line 33-36 (there’s something wrong here)