Review Comment:
This manuscript was submitted as 'Ontology Description' and should be reviewed along the following dimensions: (1) Quality and relevance of the described ontology (convincing evidence must be provided). (2) Illustration, clarity and readability of the describing paper, which shall convey to the reader the key aspects of the described ontology.
The paper "OntoAndalus: an ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes" presents the aligned with DOLCE+DnS Ultralite (DUL) OntoAndalus ontology, part of a future multilingual terminological resource targeted at experts and students of Islamic archaeology. The article describes the modelling assumptions underlying the proposed ontology, as well as the more relevant, interesting and challenging design patterns (i.e. artefact types, events and individuals) of such attempt. The case study of Vaso de Tavira attempts to exemplify these design patterns, namely those of lighting artefacts, the life cycle of pottery and the several descriptions of the artefact.
The aim of the paper was to showcase how the conceptualisation of the domain of pottery artefacts (Andalusian) and the future onto-terminological resource can help the domain experts in the field of Islamic Archaeology to meet the challenges with regard to terminological harmonisation and advance further interdisciplinary endeavours in ontology creation in the field of archaeology.
The critical and informative sections of 2. Modelling assumptions, where the paper expands on the modelling aspects of ‘Classes and collections’, ‘Parts and dependent places’, ‘Qualities and attributes’, and 3. Main design patterns, where details for one of the Artefact types the lighting artefact class are presented, highlight the challenge of creating comprehensive categories due to the diversity of descriptions provided by the experts. Section 2 provides comparative information between DOLCE, CIDOC and the proposed ontology with an interesting focus on the relationship between the members or parts of an object. Especially the structure of section 3 allows the reader to follow the design process and how the above mentioned challenges were tackled along the way; it highlights for the reader the contribution of the paper to the interested research community, since discussion around the concept of artefact applies to similar challenges faced by other researchers and subfields or applied research of the broader Cultural Heritage domain.
As a minor comment, it would be interesting to have more details or thoughts (Conclusion section) on how the developed ontology would be integrated within the discussed future onto-terminological resource.
Other Minor issues
Reference [20]: a link pointing to the CIDOC-CRM version mentioned would be helpful if referencing style allows it. Same for references [31,32].
Figure 6: it would make the Figure more self explanatory if the terms of the objects were added at the caption line (i - iv)
Figures 12 and 13: there is a connection between these two pictorial representations which is not clear to the reader. Maybe a colour coding scheme or a reference from Figure 12 to Figure 13 could facilitate this.