Review Comment:
The paper addresses the problem how to represent user profiles by means of an
ontology. For this a class hierarchy of 11 classes is developed (fig. 2),
that allows to represent web pages (as bag of weighted keywords and topics),
user sessions (as sequence of page visits) and user profiles. The authors
especially stress that they can relate profiles to segments that can be
defined using OWL restrictions or SWRL rules (section 4.3). To test the
prototype, a segment for "mothers" (as "female parents") and "sportyMoms"
(as mothers that visited a webpage with topics sports) is created and
shown that users with the defining characteristics correctly are
inferred as belonging to the segment.
The title of the paper is misleading: neither is the paper about *learning*
user profiles, but about representing them (and allowing automatic inferences
within the representation), nor does the big data context play any role
in the design or evaluation of the ontology.
The core contribution in my opinion is the ontology representation of user
profiles. As such, it suffers from two major issues:
1. There is no evaluation provided that assesses if the ontology representation
has any benefits, e.g., a comparison of click-through-rates of a status-quo
systems that does not use ontologies vs. the proposed system. The authors
merely show that they can define new segments. But what is the impact of
such segments? And why cannot they be found automatically?
2. There is no clear delineation against the state-of-the-art.
The authors review some of the literature of ontological user profiling,
but later on they never compare against existing mechanisms: what are the novel
aspects of their representation? Is their ontology more expressive than others?
Or does it allow faster inference?
-- Some papers are missed, e.g.,
Stuart E. Middleton, David C. De Roure, and Nigel R. Shadbolt. 2001.
Capturing knowledge of user preferences: ontologies in recommender systems.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Knowledge Capture
(K-CAP '01). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 100-107.
-- Also a comparison against other generic/flexible representation mechanisms
such as web data warehouses is missing.
Some aspects of the proposed ontology are not clear: what is "BID" (fig. 2,
not discussed in the text)? What is "Universe" (fig. 2)? The core concept
"profile" is not clearly defined: to which class do the individuals
"Age 15-24" belong and how are they linked to profiles? Where is this
shown in the class diagram? -- Some aspects of the proposed ontology
look rather use-case specific to me and not generic, e.g., that domains
are grouped by "partners".
Some parts of the paper are only loosely connected to the core contribution,
read more like a project description or like a paragraph from a textbook and thus
should be removed or likely could be shortened for a research paper, e.g.,
* section 1, last paragraph: description of the aims of the paper.
* section 2: 2nd and 3rd paragraph: description of authors' organizations.
* p. 3: the V's of big data,
* section 3.1: related work on resource profiling,
* section 4.3: the different ways to define a concept in OWL/SWRL.
In the abstract "limitations" of existing methods for placing online ads are
referred to, but in the paper these limitations never are detailed.
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