Review Comment:
Thank you for the revision. The paper is much better now.
It is a pity that the editors did not distributed the pdf file with the typos and it is even worse that the authors did not care about asking the editors. As a conclusion, Table 5 has at least 4 errors (even after the “careful” rereading by the authors) and others remains in the paper. New typos below.
At the end of Sect. 2 there are questions (like “Does the activity change the function and/or capability of the item?”) which are ambiguous: it is unclear whether one should answer according to the state of the item in its ideal conditions (a pump) or in its actual conditions (a pump which is not working).
Pg. 10: “Given the inconsistencies in the existing standards presented in Section 2.6, we decided to extract reference-level activity terms from real-world MWO records.”
This means that a specific set of data was used. I suggest to add a note to explain why this choice gives a good coverage of the domain or at least to clarify what turns out to be actually covered.
Other typos (especially in the new section):
The presence and magnitude of parts and labour costs are often used to make inference[s] about corrective work.
parts cost [perhaps "part cost"?]
filters, belts[,] etc.)
Each competency question is addressed in turn in the text[next] section below.
The 5th. column [5th]
The 6th. column [6th]
Inconsistent capitalisation in fig 1
p. 13 (more than once)
- p is is prescribed [only one is]