Review Comment:
Producing Linked Data for Smart Cities: the case of Catania
This paper presents methodologies for transforming city-related data in Linked Data together with an ontology for public transportation routes. Two applications have also been designed in this paper.
The introduction is nice and in-depth but it is rather difficult to extract the glue between the various contributions. I would recommend the authors to better articulate the contributions of the paper. In its current shape, I see the paper as a list of contributions, and it is not clear what is the overall objective achieved. Could you re-articulate the Introduction in lines to the contributions?
The contribution related to "ensuring semantic interoperability during the transformation process" is not clear. I have read this claim and its "explanation" but could not parse any meaning. Could you re-phrase or better position? I understood it as "semantic linkage" through reasoning e.g., consistency checking but not sure this is what is meant in this contribution.
It is not clear why semantic Web technologies and Linked Open data is a MUST technology for addressing the two scenarios. It is not clear from the Introduction where semantic Web technologies are considered for achieving the challenges, which by the way are?
"All produced data, models, and prototypes are publicly accessible online": Links should be provided here otherwise I am not sure to measure the interest of having this sentence here.
Literature review
The literature is not well positioned. I would expect the authors to step back and look at what have been done in the context of smart (non semantic) cities and then transition to smart semantic cities.
This section is also to general and far too much conducted towards LOD. I would have expected more references to the works, which has been done in various cities e.g., Dublin [1], Rio [2] or other [3] in Transportation
Not sure you need that long on LOD initiative in different countries. I would concentrate on applications for cities, and more importantly on data integration problem (as the problem you are tackling has been largely addressed by the Semantic Web and Database community, albeit no with that focus on the city application)
Building a Government Data Model for Smart Cities
This section needs to be compacted. I would definitely prefer a table summarizing all data sets and features rather than lengthy text that needs to be parsed.
They are a lot of useless or un-explored details that would need better motivations to be included in the paper e.g.,
(1) "Those data have been re-engineered, following the directions given by information analysts and data experts of the Municipality of Catania with respect to the considered reference domains" as not explained. So not sure what type of re-engineering? Was it complex? Was it time consuming?
(2) "Each of the supplied information data sources has required a different methodology to be analyzed": What do you mean by analysis?
(3) "consisting of several databases". And so what? Did that complex the process? Did you address the distributed settings?
Figures 1 and 2 are too large, please re-size. Not sure Figure 2 helps in understanding the methodology - that is a simple kml file which does not help by any means. I would suggest the authors to remove.
What data streams mean in Table 1? Data stream should refer to dynamic information. Where is the dynamics here?
Why Tabels? You should explain why this tool was better than any other. May be other cities have different needs, and applying this methodology to other cities will not work? or may be will? But we need more details to help the other cities to take decisions on one tool / methodology or another.
The resolution of Figure 4 is not really good. Could you update it?
No discussion on why a specific vocabulary has been used. What is the intention behind using one vocabulary and not another one. Or may be that is switchable. At least that should be discussed to help other cities take the right decisions based on your experience.
XML data into RDF can be easily done with XSLT. Why did you need other scripts for that. Again we need strong evidence and motivation behind the choices, which have been made in this project.
A lot of details are not really required such as the deep understanding of "Maintenance of the public lighting system of the city". Not sure that really help to understand the contribution of the paper.
It would have been better to provide details on the procedure for transforming XML data to RDF in one or two examples, are cutting out details of the details sets.
Figure 5 is not required - please remove.
This section is overloaded. Better to have details on data sets, then procedure for transforming and then details on ontology alignments. This section needs a better presentation.
The following is true "The alignment was a manual process done by domain experts. Although methods for automatic alignment exist [47], they are not as precise as human judgment" but need more to explain why existing techniques fail in your settings while it succeeds in some others. Could you give more details?
Use Cases
The DL formalism is not appropriate in this location, and even not introduced earlier in the paper.
No experimentations are given with respect to scalability and accuracy of all the system used, so it is difficult to get anything valuable for replication in other cities.
Algorithm 1 in Figure 16 is trivial - I am not sure you need it. A few sentences about the process should be more appropriate, especially in a section related to use cases.
In general this part is ok but would need some experiments and lessons learnt (on a much more practical dimension) on deploying semantic web technologies in the city context.
Discussions and conclusions
This section is rather a conclusion than a discussion. Such link of paper should emphasize the benefits and limitation of the technologies, which are missing in this version. Even the general idea is good, and the use case as well, the level of description is not appropriate.
[1] Freddy Lécué, Simone Tallevi-Diotallevi, Jer Hayes, Robert Tucker, Veli Bicer, Marco Luca Sbodio, Pierpaolo Tommasi: Smart traffic analytics in the semantic web with STAR-CITY: Scenarios, system and lessons learned in Dublin City. J. Web Sem. 27: 26-33 (2014)
[2] Freddy Lécué, Robert Tucker, Simone Tallevi-Diotallevi, Rahul Nair, Yiannis Gkoufas, Giuseppe Liguori, Mauro Borioni, Alexandre Rademaker, Luciano Barbosa: Semantic Traffic Diagnosis with STAR-CITY: Architecture and Lessons Learned from Deployment in Dublin, Bologna, Miami and Rio. International Semantic Web Conference (2) 2014: 292-307
[3] Plu, J., Scharffe, F.: Publishing and linking transport data on the web. InternationalWorkshop On Open Data abs/1205.1645 (2012)