Review Comment:
I am happy to see that the authors have addressed all comments of my review of the previously submitted version of this manuscript. In particular, I appreciate that the authors added the complexity analysis that I suggested. Therefore, I am okay with accepting the manuscript now. However, there are still a few things that the authors need to fix when preparing the camera-ready version:
* The second-to-last paragraph of Section 1 (lines 22-33 on page 2) first talks about the authors' earlier work on the PREC mapping language and, then, says that this paper introduces a new mapping language, without any motivation. I am expecting an argument why a new language is needed given that the same authors have proposed another such language before.
* Numbers for bibliographic references (i.e., something like "[9]") are *not* words to be used as nouns in sentences. Hence, it is not correct to write something like " the ... section of [9]" (page 2) or "In [10], the ..." (also page 2) or "..of Angles in [3].." (page 6). There may be more examples of this issue throughout the paper. These need to be fixed.
* page 3, line 25: ".. through a nested RDF-star triple."
* Def.3 on page 6, first bullet point: N_pg and E_pg are not lists but sets.
* page 7: The notion of a "renaming function" is defined (Def.5) and also used (Def.6 and Def.7) as if it is a standalone concept that is independent of anything, which it is not. Instead, this notion is dependent on four sets, named in Def.5 as N_1, N_2, E_1, and E_2. This dependency needs to be reflected in the name of the notion, both where it is defined and where it is used. So, the definition needs to say: "..a renaming function from N_1 and E_1 to N_2 and E_2 is.." Similarly, where ever the notion is used (such as in Def.6 and Def.7), the naming needs to be expand in the same way.
* Def.11: If the symbol $rdf$ is meant to denote an RDF graph, then it is incorrect to say "For all RDF graphs rdf, .." Instead, it must be "For every RDF graph rdf, .."
* Def.11: Also, the definition talks about a "list of blank nodes" but actually defines a set.
* The first part of the third sentence of Sec.4.4 ("Hence ... of a PG and ...") is totally unclear to me and should be rephrased.
* Same issue with the text of point (1) in the paragraph below Def.18.
* Page 11, line 49: "..a context are valid.." --> "..a context $ctx$ are valid.."
* Algorithm 1 is stated to be "an algorithmic view of the prsc function presented by Definition 21." That's not entirely true. The \beta function in the definition has a case in which it returns some value called "undefined" (see line 33 on page 13), which is not in the algorithm.
* Def.24: The notion of a "signature" should first be defined separately (i.e., independent of the notion of well-behaved contexts), and then be used in Def.24 (instead of integrating the definition of "signature" implicitly in Def.24).
* Theorem 2: list --> set