RelTopic: A Graph-Based Semantic Relatedness Measure in Topic Ontologies and Its Applicability for Topic Labeling of Old Press Articles

Tracking #: 2919-4133

Mirna El Ghosh
Nicolas Delestre
Jean-Philippe Kotowicz
Cecilia Zanni-Merk
Habib Abdulrab

Responsible editor: 
Special Issue Cultural Heritage 2021

Submission type: 
Full Paper
Graph-based semantic measures have been used to solve problems in several domains. They tend to compare semantic entities in order to estimate their similarity or relatedness. While semantic similarity is applicable to hierarchies or taxonomies, semantic relatedness is adapted to ontologies. In this work, we propose a novel semantic relatedness measure, named RelTopic, within topic ontologies for topic labeling purposes. In contrast to traditional measures, which are dependent on textual resources, RelTopic considers semantic properties of entities in ontologies. Thus, correlations of nodes and weights of nodes and edges are assessed. The pertinence of RelTopic is evaluated for topic labeling of old press articles. For this purpose, a topic ontology representing the articles, named Topic-OPA, is derived from open knowledge graphs by applying a SPARQL-based automatic approach. A use-case is presented in the context of the old French newspaper Le Matin. The generated topics are evaluated using a dual evaluation approach with the help of human annotators. Our approach shows an agreement quite close to that shown by humans. The entire approach’s reuse is demonstrated for labeling a different context of articles, recent (modern) newspapers.
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Review #1
By Silvio Peroni submitted on 06/Nov/2021
Review Comment:

I would like to thank again the authors for having modified their paper, addressing all my comments. I think that, currently, the paper deserves to be published in the Semantic Web Journal. I would like just to suggest adding a "requirements.txt" document in the GitHub repository to install the necessary libraries to run the code, such as requests and owlready2.