TermIt: Managing Normative Thesauri

Tracking #: 3547-4761

Petr Křemen
Michal Med
Miroslav Blasko
Lama Saeeda
Martin Ledvinka1
Alan Buzek

Responsible editor: 
Guest Editors Tools Systems 2022

Submission type: 
Tool/System Report
Thesauri are popular, as they represent a manageable compromise -- they are well-understood by domain experts, yet formal enough to boost use cases like semantic search. Still, as the thesauri size and complexity grow in a domain, proper tracking of the concept references to their definitions in normative documents, interlinking concepts defined in different documents, and keeping all the concepts semantically consistent and ready for subsequent conceptual modeling, is difficult and requires adequate tool support. We present TermIt, a web-based thesauri manager aimed at supporting the creation of thesauri based on decrees, directives, standards, and other normative documents. In addition to common editing capabilities, TermIt offers term extraction from documents, including a web document annotation browser plug-in, tracking term definitions in documents, term quality and ontological correctness checking, community discussions over term meanings, and seamless interlinking of concepts across different thesauri. We also show that TermIt features better fit the E-government scenarios in the Czech Republic than other tools. Additionally, we present first results of TermIt user experience evaluation.
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Review #1
By Anelia Kurteva submitted on 03/Oct/2023
Review Comment:

Overall, the authors have addressed my comments somewhat satisfactory. I would still like to see a specific evaluation result in the abstract. The authors only mention that the paper itself presents the results "Additionally, we present first results of TermIt user experience evaluation."

The paper has been significantly improved since first submitted and can now be accepted for publication.

Review #2
By Harshvardhan J. Pandit submitted on 06/Nov/2023
Review Comment:

I am satisfied with the responses to my comments, and recommend this article be accepted. I thank the authors for the article and for addressing my specific comments and suggestions.

Review #3
By Patricia Martin-Chozas submitted on 08/Nov/2023
Review Comment:

Authors have addressed the comments provided in the previous revision. I still suggest a thorough revision of the writing style, since on many occasions authors make too direct and strong statements. I recommend the use of tentative language.