We have extended OWL-Time to support the encoding of temporal position in a range of reference systems, in addition to the Gregorian calendar and conventional clock. Two alternative implementations are provided: as a pure extension or OWL-Time, or as a replacement, both of which preserve the same representation for the cases originally supported by OWL-Time. The combination of the generalized temporal position encoding and the temporal interval topology from OWL-Time support a range of applications in a variety of cultural and technical settings. These are illustrated with examples involving non-Gregorian calendars, Unix-time, and geologic time using both chronometric and stratigraphic timescales.
Revision notes
Thanks to the reviewers for the thoughtful reviews.
I have attempted to address the comments with some minor revisions as follows:
1. Section 2.2 - clarified the significance of the lexical representations of gYear, gMonth etc, and drawn attention to the existing warnings in the W3C XSD datatypes specification;
2. Section 2.2, 6. - emphasized that generic OWL-Processors are not expected to support temporal reasoning involving the XSD datatypes, and that an 'OWL-Time' processor is required to support both the otiginal and new ontologies;
3. Added small section 4. discussing OWL2 Profiles
I believe this deals with the issues raised, to the extent that they can be without extending the scope of the study.
Simon Cox