Review Comment:
## Abstract
[p.1, left, 15-16]: "legal decision" == "judgements" ?
[p.1, left, 17]: "preferably structured" as in?
[p.1, left, 20]: "is accesible in an open modality" -> "is available as open source" or s/accesible/accessible/
## Introduction
[p.1, right, 41]: how exactly is the event-centric approach different from your event-based one?
[p.1, right, 51]: isn't [2] addressing event processing?
[p.2, left, 19]: what are "nationals"? do you mean national courts?
[p.2, left, 22]: here Knowledge Graph is written in uppercase while e.g. in [p.2, right, 5] it's lowercase.. be consistent!
[p.2, left, 31]: an event's relevance?
[p.2, right, 3]: remove "expressly"
[p.2, right, 7]: "familiar with semantic web"
[p.2, right, 20]: what are time-related formats?
[p.2, right, 31-32]: what European Courts? also, you most likely don't extract events from the courts themselves but from documents, legislation, ... those courts "create" right?
[p.2, right, 35]: we created for translating between different ... formats. (what formats?)
## Related Work
[p.3, left, 3]: what are those "several tasks" involved?
[p.3, left, 10]: has been tackled in what contexts/domains? any?
[p.3, left, 12]: missing some initial references for those ontologies/schemata
[p.3, left, 13]: "top approach" == "top-down approach" ?
[p.3, left, 14-17]: a bit wishy-washy.. what about OWL-Time ( what "real world realizations" are you talking about here?
[p.3, left, 19]: "focus on identifying predefined temporal patterns"
[p.3, left, 19-24]: but can't you use ontologies (maybe together with SHACL) to "specify subtypes and expected arguments for each kind of event"
[p.3, left, 30-35]: missing references
[p.3, left, 35]: a specific use case
[p.3, left, 36]: ISO TimeML standard
[p.3, left, 37-38]: according to whom?
[p.3, left, 43]: references to what?
[p.3, left, 44]: what are examples of day times larger than a day? (just curious as I didn't find a clear answer in ISO 24617 directly)
[p.3, left, 45]: "the lasting of something" -> rephrase; "repetitive" -> repeating (or interval?)
[p.3, left, 46]: who's "them" that TimeML marks up?
[p.3, left, 49-51]: what relevance do those tags have for the present paper? what do they mean? why mentioning them if you don't elaborate on them further?
[p.3, right, 1-2]: remove "we find"
[p.3, right, 2-3]: "in which was partially based TimeML" -> rephrase
[p.3, right, 4]: corpora such as? add refs
[p.3, right, 5]: no longer used because ..?
[p.3, right, 11-12]: There are also TimeML extensions for specific domains such as the THYME project for the medical domain.
[p.3, right, 16]: what challenges are you talking about?
[p.3, right, 17]: them == ?
[p.3, right, 18]:
[p.3, right, 19]: what literature? add refs
[p.3, right, 20]: focuses; events such as ..?
[p.3, right, 21]: ERE == ?
[p.3, right, 31]: , and annotates
[p.3, right, 33-34]: add reference
[p.3, right, 34]: aimed -> tasked?
[p.3, right, 35]: events of what?
[p.3, right, 39]: year's edition
[p.3, right, 43]: expose -> mentioned
[p.4, left, 4]: remove "in this line"
[p.4, left, 10]: "Inside the wide universe of" -> rephrase or remove
[p.4, left, 12]: "protest-event representation options" -> what?
[p.4, left, 14]: on previous approaches; what approaches? add refs
[p.4, left, 14-16]: according to whom? what makes projects/phd theses so special? I've seen journal papers that had more substance than some phd theses ;) also plural thesis -> theses
[p.4, left, 18-22]: add refs
[p.4, left, 29]: why's ACE a "challenge" ? aren't those guidelines?
[p.4, right, 49]: redirects to which doesnt load
## Event Extraction
[p.5, right, 31]: share the same language
[p.5, right, 46]: the remainder
[p.6, Fig. 1]:
.) certain bars are basically not visible at all.. neither printed out nor digital;
.) why does the y-axis start from the top down?
.) x-axis is missing its label
.) events per paragraph per section
[p.6, left, 39-40]: I highly doubt that the EventsMatter corpus is "the >only< available corpus of judgments annotated with events".. a quick google search returned e.g.
[p.6, left, 41]: represents
[p.6, left, 50]: no such paragraph
[p.6, left, 51]: light-blue is basically not visible at all.. neither printed out nor digital
[p.6, right, 1]: remove "form"
[p.6, right, 2]: why at most 6? because there were at most 6 events per paragraph?
[p.6, right, 3]: what is "This is" referring to?
[p.6, right, 7]: paragraphs
[p.6, right, 10]: what "Chamber"?
[p.6, right, 17]: s/appreciated/seen/
[p.6, right, 19]: this section in more detail
[p.6, right, 48]: "belies it" -> what? do you mean how does this fit in this context?
[p.6, right, 49-51]: so FINAL DECISION is not uniform then? ;)
[p.7, Fig. 2]:
.) y-axis is not readable
.) light-blue is not readable
.) again why does the y-axis start from the top?
.) caption: s/Numbert/Number/
[p.7, Fig. 3-4]:
.) light-blue is not readable
[p.7, right, 31]: what structure? the 5 sections shown in the previous figures?
[p.7, right, 34]: what? what types? what parents?
[p.7, right, 35-36]: most relevant in what context?
[p.7, right, 42]: what kind of document types?
[p.7, right, 51]: "semantic and syntactic considerations" -> what does that mean? what are examples of "syntactic considerations" you used?
[p.8, left, 18]: "with it" -> with what?; "adding has generic subject" -> what? rephrase!
[p.8, left, 21,40-41]: what's a frame?
[p.8, right, 7]: so for general kinds of texts it's less than 14% passive verbs?
[p.8, right, 8]: that 14%
[p.8, right, 10]: s/couples/pairs/
[p.8, right, 16-17]: adding new sentences and their respective types to the files.
[p.8, right, 18]: what main class?
[p.8, right, 19]: events.ser?!
[p.8, right, 26]: double underlined is barely readable
[p.8, right, 28]: how the frame would be
[p.8, right, 31-32]: what array?
[p.8, right, 33]: In passRels
[p.8, right, 39]: "plays on" ?!
[p.8, right, 40]: what percentages?
[p.9, right, 39]: most relevant == ?
[p.9, right, 41]: the frames == the most relevant frames?
[p.9, right, 43]: what Python script?
[p.9, right, 50]: lexical units?!
[p.10, left, 21-29]: the whole paragraph needs to be rephrased;
[p.10, left, 23]: it is just needed -> rephrase
[p.10, left, 26]: and it is this file
[p.10, left, 27]: remove "latter"
[p.10, left, 29]: what's the "pos"?
[p.10, left, 34]: s/pipeline/workflow/
[p.10, left, 48]: what's "application lodgement" and why is it a special case?
[p.10, right, 27]: similarily to the events
[p.10, right, 49]: "annotated xml and as a visual HTML" -> what's a visual HTML and how is it different from a "non-visual" HTML? why is xml lowercase while HTML is uppercase?
## FT3 Ontology
[p.11, left, 46]: s/double-folded/twofold
[p.12, left, 26-28]: what implementations?
[p.12, left, 28-29]: abstract classes? so you are talking about classes in your implementation and not ones of the ontology?
[p.12, left, 30]: such as for the class temporal..
[p.12, left, 32]: remove "as an exemplary"
[p.12, left, 34]: according to whom?
[p.12, left, 44]: there's a whitespace in `ft3:Temporal Expression`
[p.12, left, 47]: s/Time./time./
[p.12, left, 48]: "the Time ontology" -> OWL Time?
[p.12, left, 51]: also add
[p.12, right, 40-44]: I would appreciate some .ttl that go along with your claim
[p.12, right, 50]: s/about/between/
[Fig. 8-9]: Printed out, both figures are barely readable as the labels are super small.. Maybe try spanning them over both columns to make them bigger?
[p.13, left, 12]: s/correference/coreference/ (-> fix throughout the whole paper!)
[p.13, left, 14]: an annotation attached
[p.13, left, 17]: what's a "midpoint" in that context? union, intersection, hybrid, merge, ..?
[p.13, left, 20]: "actual happening" -> rephrase
[p.13, left, 25]: remove "it is"
[p.13, right, 39]: what are "periodic temporal"?
[p.13, right, 40]: what's the "only expression"?
[p.14, left, 5]: specific use of what?
[p.14, left, 13]: s/Another way/
[p.14, left, 27]: what are the two possible results?
[p.14, left, 30-34]: please shorten and rephrase the entire paragraph..
[p.14, left, 34-38]: but there >is< a correct way of interpreting an event.. it just depends on the situation and particularities, the context, and requirements as you state.
[p.14, left, 39]: guarantee sounds a bit too ambitious.. even with the best and most extensive documentation out there, there is no guarantee that people will use your ontology.
[p.14, left, 44]: link overflows the columns
[p.14, left, 45-46]: "mainly consisting about minor coments and with no critical pitfalls" -> what?
[p.14, left, 46]: checked on
## FromTimetoTime Converter
[p.14, right, 1]: on [p.11, left, 45] you introduce FT3 as "fromTimeToTime" -> fix section header
[p.14, right, 3]: "lacks" is not correct here, rephrase!
[p.14, right, 6]: what further tasks?
[p.14, right, 7]: options for what?
[p.14, right, 9-10]: bridge between DL and pure NLP tasks?
[p.14, right, 11]: "lack" is also the wrong word here; also, "this lack" == ?
[p.14, right, 17]: s/in/into/
[p.14, right, 18-40]: try using a \begin{description} environment.. maybe this makes the list a bit more readable
[p.14, right, 44]: what's a "pivot class"? are you talking about the java implementation again?
[p.14, right, 45]: "interlingua" means what in that context?
[p.14, right, 47]: and what's the value of the map?
[p.14, right, 48]: s/each/an/
[p.14, right, 49]: how, where and why are metatypes "assigned"? what are those "metatypes" in the first place?
[Fig. 12]: s/xsd:String/xsd:string/
[p.15, right, 46]: what's the "Document format"?
[p.15, right, 48]: what "new format"?
[p.15, right, 51]: "ontology format" == ? ft3?
[Fig. 14]: In contrast to Fig.12, `ft3:hasID` uses """ (BigString?) here instead of xsd:string.
[p.16, left, 37]: where did you mention that?
[p.16, left, 44]: "we created one individual in out ontology" -> what?
[Fig. 15-16]:
.) I'm pretty sure 3^^xsd:.. is not correct.. -> "3"^^xsd:..
.) is a property?
.) why are the values of time:weeks, time:months xsd:decimal while ft3:repetitionTimes is xsd:nonNegativeInteger?
.) alternative values -> alternative to what? s/values/representations/
[p.17, left, 27]: on the; add link to webpage via footnote
## Legal KG
[p.17, right, 1]: processes
[p.17, right, 2]: which are?
[p.17, right, 7]: "updated to the KG" == ? added to?
[p.17, right, 10]: queried via
[p.17, right, 11]: On this endpoint
[p.17, right, 14]: rephrase the last sentence
[p.17, right, 18]: what security reasons?
[p.17, right, 21]: the way triples are stored
[p.17, right, 24]: URL
[p.17, right, 26]: s/exploit/utilize/
[p.17, right, 27]: knowledge graph vs. Knowledge Graph (e.g. in [p.17, right, 35-36])
[p.17, right, 32]: s/alabi/alibi/
[p.17, right, 37]: for time-related
[p.17, right, 38]: compared to what?
[p.18, left, 1-8]: Something like this doesn't exist already?
## Conclusions
[p.18, left, 17]: rephrase
[p.18, left, 31-32]: rephrase
[p.18, left, 37]: not related to temporal
[p.18, right, 4]: foreign -> not familiar with
## References
[2,4,59]: I was about to remark that the E in ESWC stands for Extended (since 2010 when it changed from European to Extended, cf. however, both the official ESWC twitter account as well as e.g. ESWC on Springer do call it European.. So I'm not sure anymore :D
## fromtimetotime.owl
1. what's the purpose of namespace `rdf1`? I guess that's a typo?
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdf1: .
rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ,
owl:SymmetricProperty ;
rdfs:domain ;
rdfs:range ;
rdf1:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
2. why not use `ft3:` as a prefix? this would make the whole ontology way less verbose
@prefix ft3: .
ft3:and rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty , owl:SymmetricProperty ;
rdfs:domain ft3:ComposedTemporalExpression ;
rdfs:range ft3:ComposedTemporalExpression ;
3. Wrong namespace for `vann` -> the leading : makes Protege to believe the URIs actually belong to the `:` namespace (which can be seen by the automatically generated comments)
:vann:preferredNamespacePrefix rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . #wrong
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . #correct
:vann:preferredNamespaceUri rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . #wrong
vann:preferredNamespaceUri rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . #correct