Development and Evaluation of a Software System for Engaged Sustainability Reporting |
Reject |
5,519 |
27/Apr/2015 |
Summarizing Entities: A Survey Report |
Reject |
5,083 |
09/May/2015 |
A Critical Reflection on Ontologies and their Applications in Business |
Reject |
6,966 |
18/May/2015 |
OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!): supporting ontology evaluation on-line |
Major Revision |
7,464 |
18/May/2015 |
LinDA - Linked Data for SMEs |
Reject |
7,093 |
20/May/2015 |
World War 1 as Linked Open Data |
Reject |
8,963 |
20/May/2015 |
One Summary to Show them All? Introducing a Common API for Entity Summarization |
[EKAW] reject |
6,001 |
22/May/2015 |
Enriching concepts in domain ontologies using context-aware and semantic similarity |
[EKAW] reject |
4,852 |
30/May/2015 |
Editorial |
Accept |
11,307 |
09/Jun/2015 |
Enhancing usability of domain ontology using natural language access |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
4,435 |
16/Jun/2015 |
A Toolset for Supporting Evolution and Preservation of Linked Data: the DIACHRON approach |
Reject |
6,605 |
16/Jun/2015 |
SPARQL Template: A Transformation Language for RDF |
[EKAW] reject |
4,978 |
02/Jul/2015 |
Testing OWL Axioms Against RDF Facts: A Possibilistic Approach |
[EKAW] conference only accept |
4,959 |
02/Jul/2015 |
HyS: Fast Atomic Decomposition and Module Extraction of OWL-EL ontologies |
Major Revision |
6,194 |
06/Jul/2015 |
Disclose High Quality Structured Data with Airpedia |
Reject |
6,542 |
06/Jul/2015 |
A Semantic Similarity Measure for Linked Data: An Information Content-Based Approach |
Reject |
4,926 |
14/Jul/2015 |
A survey of RDB to RDF translation approaches and tools |
Major Revision |
7,215 |
19/Jul/2015 |
Multi-viewpoint ontology construction and classification by non-experts and crowdsourcing: the case of diet effect on health |
Major Revision |
6,725 |
19/Jul/2015 |
Semantics and Provenance for Accountable Smart City Applications |
Reject |
7,159 |
19/Jul/2015 |
Visual Querying LOD sources with LODeX |
Reject |
6,090 |
02/Sep/2015 |
x-Avalanche: Optimisation Techniques for Large Scale Federated SPARQL Query Processing |
Major Revision |
5,947 |
10/Sep/2015 |
An SQL to SPARQL mapping algorithm for RDF querying without instances translation |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
4,431 |
22/Sep/2015 |
Web Content Extraction Using Contextual Rules |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
4,342 |
02/Oct/2015 |
Design of Ontology for Launch Vehicle Mission Simulation Software Generation |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
4,534 |
22/Oct/2015 |
A meaning-based algorithm for ontology matching |
Major Revision |
7,291 |
23/Oct/2015 |
Facilitating Data-Flows at a Global Publisher using the Linked Data Stack |
Reject |
6,241 |
23/Oct/2015 |
OLOUD – An Ontology for Linked Open University Data |
Major Revision |
9,913 |
28/Oct/2015 |
Interoperable read-write Linked Data application development with the LDP4j framework |
Reject |
6,443 |
28/Oct/2015 |
Energy Efficiency Measures as Linked Open Data |
Major Revision |
6,571 |
02/Nov/2015 |