
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
An application of Semantic Web Technologies to GDPR compliance of University Processes and Personal Data processing Major Revision 3,188 27/Sep/2021
Relational Graph Convolutional Networks: A Closer Look Reject 3,191 03/Dec/2021
Onto4AIR2: a simple ontology to represent theses from open repositories as products of academic collaboration Reject 3,194 11/Jun/2021
Adaptive Spatio-temporal Query Planning For Linked Sensor Data Major Revision 3,197 06/Jul/2021
Knowledge Graphs for Enhancing Transparency in Health Data Ecosystems Accept 3,207 24/Apr/2023
Inferring Resource Types in Knowledge Graphs using NLP analysis and human-in-the-loop validation: The DBpedia Case Reject 3,210 08/Jul/2021
Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata Reject 3,212 07/Mar/2021
SWRL Rules Based Geospatial Data Integration Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,220 11/Sep/2019
Ontological Modelling for Excavation Documentation and Virtual Reconstruction of an Ancient Egyptian Site Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,221 20/Nov/2019
Efficient Storage and Querying of Semantic Web Data on Top of P2P Networks Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,253 10/Jun/2019
Ontology Property Alignment: A Literature Review Reject 3,261 06/Oct/2020
Benchmarking Embedding Techniques for Knowledge Graph Comparison Reject 3,264 24/Jun/2021
A Neuro-Symbolic System over Knowledge Graphs for Link Prediction Accept 3,267 19/May/2023
Multilingual resources: discourse relations in English TED talks and their translation into Lithuanian, Portuguese and Turkish Major Revision 3,278 13/Jul/2021
Describing the nature of legislation through roll call voting in the Chilean National Congress, a linked dataset description Major Revision 3,283 11/Jul/2023
A simple method for inducing class taxonomies in knowledge graphs Reject 3,290 25/May/2021
A Prospective Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities within Link Traversal-Based Query Processing Reject 3,296 18/Oct/2021
ImageSchemaNet: Formalizing embodied commonsense knowledge providing an image-schematic layer to Framester Accept 3,298 22/Jul/2024
The Role of “Cyber-Physical System" in IND4.0: A Critical Review, Research Challenges and Open Research Issues Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,301 07/May/2019
Morph-KGC: Scalable Knowledge Graph Materialization with Mapping Partitions Accept 3,332 11/Aug/2022
Formalizing and Validating Wikidata's Property Constraints using SHACL and SPARQL Accept 3,334 24/Jul/2024
Corpus research on the translation of English multi-word discourse markers into Hebrew and Lithuanian Reject 3,340 13/Jul/2021
Approaches to Measure Class Importance in Knowledge Graphs Reject 3,341 19/Jun/2020
Orbis: Explainable Benchmarking of Information Extraction Tasks Major Revision 3,367 17/Jun/2022
Ontology Embeddings with ontowalk2vec: an Application to UI Personalisation Reject 3,372 28/Feb/2022
Security approaches for electronic health data handling through the Semantic Web: a scoping review Accept 3,373 11/Aug/2022
Transdisciplinary approach to archaeological investigations in a Semantic Web perspective Accept 3,381 01/Aug/2022
Bio-SODA - A Question Answering System for Domain Knowledge Graphs Reject 3,382 26/Mar/2021
An integrated taxonomic Model of gastronomic Offers using Web Services and Databases Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,393 27/Jan/2019
