Semantic database of nuclear knowledge, reasoning on knowledge graphs |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,396 |
20/Feb/2019 |
An Effective Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Based SPARQL Query Path Optimisation by Reordering Triples |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,398 |
03/Apr/2019 |
SPUCL(Scientific Publication Classifier): a human-readable labelling unsupervised system for scientific publications |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,411 |
20/Feb/2019 |
smart-KG: Partition-Based Linked Data Fragments for Querying Knowledge Graphs |
Accept |
3,416 |
13/Feb/2024 |
Understanding the Structure of Knowledge Graphs with ABSTAT Profiles |
Reject |
3,421 |
21/Dec/2021 |
Supporting heterogeneity in IoT gateway using Light-weight Semantic Web |
Reject |
3,422 |
22/Dec/2020 |
A sustainable open data platform for air quality data |
Reject |
3,426 |
29/Jun/2020 |
Semantic models and services for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage: a comprehensive survey |
Accept |
3,434 |
28/Jul/2022 |
Editorial of the Special Issue on Deep Learning and Knowledge Graphs |
Accept |
3,471 |
25/Mar/2022 |
Multi-Task Learning Framework for Stance Detection and Veracity Prediction |
Major Revision |
3,490 |
06/Apr/2022 |
Knowledge Discovery using SPARQL property path: The Case of Disease Dataset |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,502 |
14/Nov/2018 |
GQA_{RDF}: An Efficient SPARQL Query Answering Engine on RDF Graphs |
Reject |
3,504 |
04/Mar/2022 |
A systematic overview of data federation systems |
Accept |
3,509 |
19/Oct/2022 |
crowd: A Visual Web Tool for Ontology Engineering |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,524 |
01/Dec/2018 |
PAROT: Translating Natural Language to SPARQL |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,525 |
06/Mar/2019 |
Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Technologies to Identify and Warn of Transport Disruptions |
Reject |
3,528 |
28/Apr/2021 |
KOS-Driven Named Entity Recognition of Dutch Archaeological Grey Literature for the Purposes of Indexing and Discovery |
Reject |
3,542 |
28/Feb/2020 |
CMDI Roadmap: Visualization, Interaction and Analysis of Heterogeneous Textbook Resources |
Reject |
3,546 |
03/Jul/2020 |
Learning SHACL Shapes from Knowledge Graphs |
Accept |
3,550 |
19/Sep/2022 |
Built Cultural Heritage Data Modeling and Representation using Semantic Web Technologies and Building Information Model: A Case Study of Gorkhatri |
Reject |
3,555 |
24/Feb/2020 |
Food Process Ontology Requirements |
Accept |
3,563 |
28/Aug/2023 |
A data-driven methodology to generate living ontologies |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,570 |
11/Feb/2020 |
FoT-Rules: A Semantic Rule-based Approach for Smart Spaces Through Fog of Things |
Reject (Two Strikes) |
3,575 |
03/Jan/2020 |
Machine Translation for Historical Research: A case study of Aramaic-Ancient Hebrew Translations |
Reject |
3,581 |
02/Aug/2021 |
SeaNet: Semantic Enabled Autonomic Management of Software Defined Networks |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,583 |
03/Aug/2018 |
Attribute Ordered Formal Concept Analysis for Ontology Change Evaluation |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
3,594 |
03/May/2018 |
Evoke: exploring and extending lexicographic resources using a linked data approach |
Reject |
3,597 |
09/Jul/2021 |
An Ontology-based approach for making Machine Learning systems Accountable |
Reject |
3,604 |
22/Apr/2021 |
Terminology and Ontology for Cultural Heritage Application to Chinese Ceramic Vessels: The TAO CI Project |
Reject |
3,606 |
25/Feb/2020 |