
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
Semantic database of nuclear knowledge, reasoning on knowledge graphs Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,396 20/Feb/2019
An Effective Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Based SPARQL Query Path Optimisation by Reordering Triples Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,398 03/Apr/2019
SPUCL(Scientific Publication Classifier): a human-readable labelling unsupervised system for scientific publications Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,411 20/Feb/2019
smart-KG: Partition-Based Linked Data Fragments for Querying Knowledge Graphs Accept 3,416 13/Feb/2024
Understanding the Structure of Knowledge Graphs with ABSTAT Profiles Reject 3,421 21/Dec/2021
Supporting heterogeneity in IoT gateway using Light-weight Semantic Web Reject 3,422 22/Dec/2020
A sustainable open data platform for air quality data Reject 3,426 29/Jun/2020
Semantic models and services for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage: a comprehensive survey Accept 3,434 28/Jul/2022
Editorial of the Special Issue on Deep Learning and Knowledge Graphs Accept 3,471 25/Mar/2022
Multi-Task Learning Framework for Stance Detection and Veracity Prediction Major Revision 3,490 06/Apr/2022
Knowledge Discovery using SPARQL property path: The Case of Disease Dataset Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,502 14/Nov/2018
GQA_{RDF}: An Efficient SPARQL Query Answering Engine on RDF Graphs Reject 3,504 04/Mar/2022
A systematic overview of data federation systems Accept 3,509 19/Oct/2022
crowd: A Visual Web Tool for Ontology Engineering Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,524 01/Dec/2018
PAROT: Translating Natural Language to SPARQL Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,525 06/Mar/2019
Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Technologies to Identify and Warn of Transport Disruptions Reject 3,528 28/Apr/2021
KOS-Driven Named Entity Recognition of Dutch Archaeological Grey Literature for the Purposes of Indexing and Discovery Reject 3,542 28/Feb/2020
CMDI Roadmap: Visualization, Interaction and Analysis of Heterogeneous Textbook Resources Reject 3,546 03/Jul/2020
Learning SHACL Shapes from Knowledge Graphs Accept 3,550 19/Sep/2022
Built Cultural Heritage Data Modeling and Representation using Semantic Web Technologies and Building Information Model: A Case Study of Gorkhatri Reject 3,555 24/Feb/2020
Food Process Ontology Requirements Accept 3,563 28/Aug/2023
A data-driven methodology to generate living ontologies Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,570 11/Feb/2020
FoT-Rules: A Semantic Rule-based Approach for Smart Spaces Through Fog of Things Reject (Two Strikes) 3,575 03/Jan/2020
Machine Translation for Historical Research: A case study of Aramaic-Ancient Hebrew Translations Reject 3,581 02/Aug/2021
SeaNet: Semantic Enabled Autonomic Management of Software Defined Networks Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,583 03/Aug/2018
Attribute Ordered Formal Concept Analysis for Ontology Change Evaluation Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,594 03/May/2018
Evoke: exploring and extending lexicographic resources using a linked data approach Reject 3,597 09/Jul/2021
An Ontology-based approach for making Machine Learning systems Accountable Reject 3,604 22/Apr/2021
Terminology and Ontology for Cultural Heritage Application to Chinese Ceramic Vessels: The TAO CI Project Reject 3,606 25/Feb/2020
