
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
The use of OWL for Spatial Knowledge based Applications Reject and Resubmit 6,250 03/Mar/2011
Using OWL to Facilitate Quality Reporting from Electronic Healthcare Records Reject and Resubmit 6,083 03/Mar/2011
Empowering Enterprise Data Governance with the Business Semantics Glossary - an illustration in the Flemish Public Administration Reject 5,931 03/Mar/2011
KGRAM: a Generic SPARQL Interpreter for Linked Data Querying and Mashup Reject 6,120 03/Mar/2011
Semantic Image Annotation By Co-Quotation Method Based on Ontology Reject 5,953 03/Mar/2011
Semantic Annotation of Online Ad Portals Reject 6,036 03/Mar/2011
Building a volcano-domain ontology Reject 6,469 03/Mar/2011
The RacerPro Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System Accept 32,804 07/Mar/2011
Modelling and Implementation Methodology in the IoT/LD Approach to the Semantic Web Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,412 28/Mar/2011
Reexamining fiat, bona fide, and force dynamic boundaries for geopolitical entities and their placement in DOLCE Major Revision 6,870 16/Apr/2011
S-Match: an open source framework for matching lightweight ontologies Accept 45,068 21/Apr/2011
Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation Using Wikipedia Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,381 06/May/2011
Improve High Performance Factor For Floating Point SRT Division Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,414 13/May/2011
Ontology Alignment using Machine Learning Techniques Reject 6,165 14/May/2011
Providing Thai herbal recommendation based on ontology and reasoning Reject and Resubmit 6,076 14/May/2011
Embedding an ontology in form fields on the web Reject 6,028 14/May/2011
A Survey of Semantic Metadata Management Models for Semantic Interoperability in the Social Web Reject and Resubmit 5,946 14/May/2011
Creating a Cultural Environment for Collective City Memory Reject and Resubmit 5,978 14/May/2011
Collaborative annotation of digital images: the CoDesPho project Reject 5,619 14/May/2011
Evaluating an interactive, subject-based search system within a digital library Reject 5,674 14/May/2011
A web2.0 collaborative cultural heritage archive with recommender system over trace based reasoning Reject 5,369 14/May/2011
Enriching WordNet Ontology using Coarse-Grained Word Senses Reject 5,659 14/May/2011
The ICOM 3.0 Intelligent Conceptual Modelling tool and methodology Accept 16,766 16/May/2011
ONTOLOGY: from Philosophy to ICT and related areas Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,524 02/Jun/2011
Semantic integration of TV data and services: A survey on challenges, and approaches Reject and Resubmit 6,259 17/Jun/2011
An Ontology-Based Approach to Decision Support for Healthcare Workflows Reject and Resubmit 6,745 17/Jun/2011
Similarity-based Browsing over Linked Open Data Reject and Resubmit 6,160 20/Jun/2011
Aligning Tweets with Events: Automation via Semantics Accept 25,173 22/Jun/2011
Semantic Web Rules and Ontologies for Developing Personalized Mashups Reject and Resubmit 6,232 11/Jul/2011
