Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Views Updated
Semantics and Canonicalisation of SPARQL 1.1 Accept 3,368 26/Dec/2021
Survey on English Entity Linking on Wikidata Accept 4,211 15/May/2022
Continuous Multi-Query Optimization for Subgraph Matching over Dynamic Graphs Accept 3,374 26/Dec/2021
When Linguistics Meets Web Technologies. Recent advances in Modelling Linguistic Linked Open Data Accept 4,272 06/May/2022
Discovering alignment relations with Graph Convolutional Networks: a biomedical case study Accept 3,783 28/Dec/2021
LL(O)D and NLP Perspectives on Semantic Change for Humanities Research Accept 4,421 01/Apr/2022
Linking Women Editors of Periodicals to the Wikidata Knowledge Graph Accept 3,807 23/Sep/2022
MIDI2vec: Learning MIDI Embeddings for Reliable Prediction of Symbolic Music Metadata Accept 3,805 31/Aug/2021
Glottocodes: Identifiers Linking Families, Languages and Dialects to Comprehensive Reference Information Accept 4,442 26/Dec/2021
Online approximative SPARQL query processing for COUNT-DISTINCT queries with Web Preemption Accept 3,654 06/May/2022
Applying the LOT methodology to a Public Bus Transport Ontology aligned with Transmodel: Challenges and Results Accept 3,451 08/Nov/2021
Beyond Facts - a Survey and Conceptualisation of Claims in Online Discourse Analysis Accept 4,022 26/Dec/2021
Visual Notations for Viewing RDF Constraints with UnSHACLed Accept 4,563 08/Nov/2021
An Assertion and Alignment Correction Framework for Large Scale Knowledge Bases Accept 3,840 30/Sep/2021
Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: the case of Wikidata Accept 5,728 18/Aug/2021
Advancing Agriculture through Semantic Data Management Accept 4,173 06/Jun/2021
Using the W3C Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web Recommendation to manage small Wikidata datasets Accept 4,230 18/Aug/2021
Prediction of Adverse Biological Effects of Chemicals Using Knowledge Graph Embeddings Accept 4,816 03/Mar/2022
Urban IoT Ontologies for Sharing and Electric Mobility Accept 4,400 31/Aug/2021
A Strategy for Archives Metadata Representation on CIDOC-CRM and Knowledge Discovery Accept 4,129 09/Jan/2022
TheyBuyForYou Platform and Knowledge Graph: Expanding Horizons in Public Procurement with Open Linked Data Accept 4,487 18/Aug/2021
A Shape Expression approach for assessing the quality of Linked Open Data in Libraries Accept 4,778 18/Aug/2021
MQALD: Evaluating the impact of modifiers in Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs Accept 4,635 17/Aug/2021
Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE Accept 5,696 17/Aug/2021
Consent Through the Lens of Semantics:State of the Art Survey and Best Practices Accept 5,259 17/Aug/2021
Open Science Data and the Semantic Web Journal Accept 4,739 01/Mar/2021
Sequential Linked Data: the State of Affairs Accept 5,174 15/Jun/2021
Using Natural Language Generation to Bootstrap Missing Wikipedia Articles: A Human-centric Perspective Accept 4,391 25/Mar/2021
Towards Fully-fledged Archiving for RDF Datasets Accept 4,428 11/Jun/2021
Pioneering Easy-to-Use Forestry Data with Forest Explorer Accept 4,955 25/Mar/2021
