
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Future Internet Ontologies: The NOVI Experience Reject 10,305 18/May/2014
Next Generation Scientific Publishing and the Web of Data Accept 11,580 25/May/2014
Similarity Metrics for Linked Data Reject 5,425 26/May/2014
Special Issue on the Semantics of Microposts Accept 10,953 01/Jul/2014
ActiveRaUL: Automatically Generated Web Interfaces for Creating RDF Data Reject 11,297 15/Jul/2014
A Term-Based Approach for Matching Multilingual Thesauri [EKAW] reject 5,990 13/Aug/2014
External Transaction Logic: reasoning and executing transactions involving external domains Reject 6,572 03/Sep/2014
Towards Resource-aware Business Process Development in the Cloud [EKAW] reject 7,412 09/Sep/2014
A Quality Assurance Workflow for Ontologies based on Semantic Regularities [EKAW] conference only accept 6,579 09/Sep/2014
Using event spaces, setting and theme to assist the interpretation and development of museum stories [EKAW] conference only accept 6,081 09/Sep/2014
Completing RDF Data in Linked Open Data Cloud using Formal Concept Analysis [EKAW] reject 6,349 09/Sep/2014
Roadmapping and Navigating in the Ontology Visualization Landscape [EKAW] conference only accept 6,063 09/Sep/2014
Person Record Linking for Digital Libraries using Authority Data [EKAW] reject 6,304 09/Sep/2014
One Size Doesn't Fit All – Fostering Diversity on the Semantic Web [EKAW] reject 8,766 10/Sep/2014
Predicting Concept Drift in Linked Data [EKAW] reject 6,563 10/Sep/2014
Feasibility of Automated Foundational Ontology Interchangeability [EKAW] conference only accept 6,242 10/Sep/2014
Ontology Design Pattern Property Specialisation Strategies [EKAW] conference only accept 6,055 10/Sep/2014
Feeling the Pulse of Linked Data [EKAW] conference only accept 6,507 10/Sep/2014
Deployment of Semantic Social Media Analysis to Call Center [EKAW] reject 6,280 11/Sep/2014
Knowledge Management Processes to Support Evidence Based Practice in Healthcare – a Swedish Case Study [EKAW] reject 9,636 11/Sep/2014
Measuring similarity in ontologies: a new family of measures [EKAW] conference only accept 7,127 11/Sep/2014
Semantics of Stream Query Languages Using Ontologies [EKAW] reject 6,856 11/Sep/2014
Quantifying the Salience of Musical Characteristics From Unstructured Text [EKAW] reject 6,166 11/Sep/2014
Adventure of Categories: Modeling the life-cycle of categories during scientific investigation [EKAW] reject 6,300 11/Sep/2014
Using ontologies - understanding the user experience [EKAW] conference only accept 6,593 11/Sep/2014
RDFising Events in the World: Raising News to the LOD Cloud [EKAW] reject 6,485 11/Sep/2014
Ontology Matching: Current trends among practitioners [EKAW] reject 6,882 11/Sep/2014
Towards Linkset Quality for Complementing SKOS Thesauri [EKAW] reject 6,550 11/Sep/2014
Non-ontological sources transformations for Ontology Engineering: knowledge acquisition using redundancy [EKAW] reject 6,095 11/Sep/2014
