
Call for papers: Special Issue of the Semantic Web Journal on Scalable Semantic Graph Systems

Call for papers: Special issue of the Semantic Web Journal on

Scalable Semantic Graph Systems

Scopus listing

Scopus listing for the Semantic Web journal is forthcoming - should only take a few weeks from here.

From their review:

A Linked-Data-driven and Semantically-enabled Journal Portal for Scientometrics

As you know the Semantic Web journal follows a unique open and transparent process during which each submitted manuscript is available online together with the full history of its successive decision statuses, assigned editors, solicited and voluntary reviewers, their full text reviews, and in many cases also the authors' response letters. Combined with a highly-customized, Drupal-based journal management system, this provides the journal with semantically rich manuscript time lines and networked data about authors, reviewers, and editors.

Semantic Web Journal Outstanding Reviewer and Outstanding Paper Awards 2013

The Semantic Web journal is pleased to announce this year's awards.

The 2013 Outstanding Reviewer Award goes to Thomas Scharrenbach, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

The 2013 Outstanding Paper Award goes to

Some Visual Analytics Results for ISWC 2013

In the following we would like to show you some visual analytics results based on data from the International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2013, citation data from the well known 2001 Semantic Web paper, the 2009 Linked Data -- The Story So Far paper, and Linked Data sets that contain latitude and longitude coordinates (e.g., data about places, people, events). Most data was collected and processed by the STKO lab(*) together with ISWC 2013 metadata from Li Ding that had to be enriched with spatial information. The work shows some examples of scientometric analysis that we are currently doing thanks to IOS Press in the Trends In Science Observatory project. Before we start: If you like the figures, feel free to reuse them in whatever way you like and contact us if you need more details. You can access higher resolution versions either by directly opening the figures or by using the download links in the text.
